Would Someone Call Jack Frost?

Hot and humid in N. Louisiana. We're 6-10 degrees above the normal for this time of year. Will it ever cool off? Maybe I'll move to Nebraska!
44 F and pouring rain up here in Canada, I mowed grass and tucked the garden away for the winter this past week. Anyone else who spends the summer chained to the lawnmower happy to put that baby away for the winter months?
In NC we don't even have enough rain for the grass to grow!!
Id be happy to trade a 90 degree day for the 60s rainy cold chilly got the woodstove going today kind of day in NH. supposed to be like this all week and not looking forward to it makes me hurt all over:( and want to climb under a rock untill it warms up and the sun comes out again:/
Rain? What's that? I can't remember the last time we had any. I still mow because, I water my yard and flower beds. I love pretty grass but, I'll be glad to put the mower away!!
We live far out in the country and have a 100 yr old well. My front yard is 2 acres. We also have an established orchard, a new orchard and a so called 'fall' garden. Not to mention all the water we need at the barns. I would probably tax my well and my electric bill to keep the front lawn looking like a golf course. LOL
Right now it is 70 but with a cool breeze. Most of last week it didn't get to even 65! DGD was walking to the bus in 37 degrees!! Last Friday the 5th, it only got to 44 and that night we got a 1/4" of snow!!! Imagine that .It sure felt nice after that hot summer. We had our first fire of the season Friday night and Saturday morning. The coldest morning in the last two weeks was 31 at 5a.m.

No no no! Jack Frost can stay in Antarctica for all I care. I don't need any winter heating bills, thankyouverymuch! At least, not until I get my new woodstove.

Once the woodstove is installed in December, it can snow all it wants. Not before then.
Central Jersey. Nearly 90 degrees at 7:15 p.m. Wicked humid. One more day of this tomorrow after several in a row and then it cools down, mercifully. It's going to be a dramatic change for the chickens though.
No rain in months - dustbowl.

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