Would Someone Call Jack Frost?

It's running 88-90 degrees so far this week with high 60's for lows. It's like winter compared to the 100's we've had for SOOO long. Trisha, you would die at my house in the winter. We have a 100+ year old house with NO insulation and in the winter you can see your breath at night, IN MY HOUSE!! It's great, plus we are NEVER sick. We have a heated mattress pad, an electric blanket and then a goose down comforter on top. It's just like the good old days when you get in the bed and the quilts were so heavy you couldn't hardly breathe.....Ahhh, can't wait. The only thing is, it's a &@*%$ getting up in the morning. Whew!
We are going down to 38` tonight and I am loving it. Snuggle weather and it sure beats the "hot flashes"
Whenever I complain about the "cool weather" I get an email from my young friend in Alaska telling me the temp there and I don't complain anymore.
I love the coolness and am looking forward to our bonfire/chili supper/hayride the end of this month!
I hear you Miss Prissy. We got to leave the windows open last night, it was wonderful and I have not slept like that in a long time. Fresh cool air, crickets chirping, occational coyote. It was great.
You'd freeze at my house! I keep the thermostat set at 62 all winter!
Heating fuel is $$$$

OMGosh!!! I'd die. I LOVE heat. I'd reather burn to death then freeze...it's a southern thang!

Honestly I love the dry heat of burning wood and if our insurance company wasn't so stupid I'd have it 90 in here! Unfortunately we can't use out wood furnace because the cellar ceiling is too low according to our insurance so we can't use it.
If the house were to burn down from a wood fire we wouldn't be covered.
I am soooooooooooo happy:D it feels like fall in MD. It was 92 yesterday then the rain came and for the rest of the week the high is 64. I love cold weather I have already decided to go to college up north.


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