Would this be a good floating duck house? (UPDATED WITH PICS!!!!!)

i think it's brilliant. i have questions though. how do you get to the house for collecting eggs and cleaning? also, is the main reason to have a house like this (i want one!) to keep the ducks safe from prediators - - in my head it is, but was unsure if there are other big reasons i may not be thinking about.

thanks for the photos.
Well, the house is mainly for protection at night from predators and cold weather. I'm hoping she (I only have one female) doesn't choose to lay in there. I didn't put any hay inside to hopefully discourage her from doing just that. They are Peking ducks so, from what I've been told, she won't sit on them anyways.
so in your set-up, where do you have her laying eggs?

i'm learning here. i have my first duck eggs in the incubator right now!
Honestly, I have no real place for her to lay. They free range all day and night and she hasn't started laying yet. I'm guessing as soon as the days get a little longer she will start. When she does start, since she probably won't sit on them, I will just let nature take care of the eggs she leaves behind. There are enough raccoons and opossums around here to take care of them.
Just put it out today. None of them even really went near it from what I saw. Still pretty new to them but I'm sure they will warm up to it eventually.
love it!

putting a little cracked corn or whatever you use for treats on it may help them get the idea to go in it.

I think it's BRILLIANT.

Now I need to go brush all these popcorn hulls out of my teeth.

I'm with you gryeyes i think I foundered on the tea and popcorn, but so worth the wait, looks great.
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