I am going to be showing this fall and the show I am going to enter requiers you to band your birds and I don't mind because that way my hen can't get switched with a different bird.
So I would like to know if this leg bands would work also I will take pics of me holding the bird and the number on the band that kind of thing?
Also if you would not get these what kind of leg bands would you buy?
And I am not doing wing bands can't stand those thing
Thanks for the Help,
I am going to be showing this fall and the show I am going to enter requiers you to band your birds and I don't mind because that way my hen can't get switched with a different bird.
So I would like to know if this leg bands would work also I will take pics of me holding the bird and the number on the band that kind of thing?
Also if you would not get these what kind of leg bands would you buy?
And I am not doing wing bands can't stand those thing
Thanks for the Help,