Would too many roosters cause an egg drought?


12 Years
May 21, 2011
Oregon (Northwest, Clackamas County)
We've been getting a low egg count for months now. We thought they were hiding them around the yard but we really found any when we looked. We ended up keeping them in their run for a week to see if we could find a baseline, but our count was still low.

We have 45 chickens total. Different ages, but we only get 4-6 eggs most days during this summer, and we used to get that with 10 chickens.
They get two full scoops (those big red scoops, I think they are 2qt scoops?) A day plus free-range all day.

Is there a reason that you don't free-feed them?

Is there room at the feeders for all of them to eat at the same time? Any chance of dominant birds hogging the feed so that potential layers might not be getting sufficient nutrition?
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good free feeder that I could put an entire bag of feed into at once? Also it would need to keep the available feed dry? The free feeder that I use for my turkeys needs to be protected from the rain and I'd really prefer one that didn't

I'm really proud of my current feeding system but I can reuse that set up for other animals I suppose
I can fit one bag of feed into my two 5 gallon buckets feeders. I bought something similar to these little things that you just drill into the bucket. They're rain proof and rodent proof (if suspended or up high). It should also keep your sheep out. I hang mine but you can easily set the feeders on a cement brick for your chickens.

Hello! I have some questions for you to answer so I can better assist.

What is the average age of your current chickens? I see you said mixed ages, but if you have more older birds than younger birds that would cause lower egg amounts.

How hot has it been in your area?

How many roosters vs laying age hens/pullets do you have?

Any possibility of worms or mites?

Any molting birds?

Did it start around the time the days began to shorten (are you in the northern hemisphere?l
What is the breakdown of your flock?

Different breeds, ages, sexes, etc?

Any females of ~18months or older are likely to be molting at this time of year.

Any senior hens who have been through several molts already are likely to reduce laying to only a few eggs a week or even to stop laying completely.

A high male-to-female ratios *can* stress the hens and that can reduce or even stop laying.

What other sources of stress might there be in their ranging area?

Also, what feed do they get and how often?
2 qts is 64 oz. Which means your chickens are getting around 1.42 oz. per bird. The average recommended amount is 4oz. Even with free ranging your birds are being under fed which can most definitely cause a lack of eggs. Not to mention layer feed is usually on the low end for protein.

Well that's interesting. I will double check the size of our scoop. I know our neighbors don't give any pellets at all and just free range theirs. I felt like we were spoiling ours to a degree, not starving them!

I am glad I posted here and we'll look into this. I'm not looking forward to doubling their feed though!

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