Would you leave your coop open at night?

How do you train the LGDs? Someone told me that you have to put them with the herd/flock as puppies and then have virtually no contact with them besides feeding and watering them because if the dogs bond to humans they won't protect the flock. Is that true? I'm a dog lover and I can't just have a dog that I don't interact with.
I think both you and your wife need to give a little. I would still lock them up at night, but at the same time if you're out after dark, I wouldn't worry too much about running home to lock them up at dusk. That way, you're giving the dogs a chance to do their job, but you'll also be able to sleep at night.
If I want all live chickens in the morning...coop is locked up despite the Great Pyrenees/Lab cross wandering around at night. he is good at watching the girls but he is not infallable I am sure.

that is one scary picture

I live in a rural setting where we can hear the coyotes at night and I have never left my coop open ALL night but if I am out and dont get in till after midnight I dont worry..
Wouldn't easy pickings attract pack animals that may overwhelm any dog? I think I've seen posts where coyotes attacked bigger dogs. I know in the town I grew up in there were wild dog packs that would kill and eat pet dogs, and not just little ones.

Imp-just a thought
OH, my now I feel stupid. I am the dumb one....

But seriously coyotes would NEVER come up that close into a yard here, unless it had rabies. Seriously.

I have seen many coyotes in my day, and I have never seen one that close to a house. But a lot of it depends on where you live. if you cant shoot at them and so they are not scared of people, that is what happens. No debate starting here, but if you live in suburbs, it is a different deal totally.
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