Would you use this chick starter?


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2021
I bought a couple small bags of organic chick starter crumbles at the feed store. I didn't notice the dates on the bags: Manufactured May 2020/Best by Feb 11, 2021. Obviously it's not much past that date, but do you think the vitamins/minerals would have depleted significantly sitting on the shelf that long anyway? One of our chicks is I think Thiamin deficient (not very steady on her legs compared to the others) due to a recent CORID treatment in their water, so I want to make sure she's getting the nutrients she needs.
My guess is that this is a plastic sealed bag so no air is getting in or out extending shell life. Regular feed bags as aart said stay within the 2-3 month mark. If you’re not that far return it. I do not think a month past use by date will hurt anything.
Thanks for the reply. Correct, plastic sealed bag. I'm going to some fresher bags just to be safe.
I like to use chicken feed within two months of the mill date, even though it might officially be good for six months. It's not only about having it sealed in plastic, it's about it's history in different ambient temperatures. Glad you are getting fresh!
I would call/visit the feed store and tell them they sold you out of date stuff and ask for them to exchange it for fresher feed.

Failing that, as long as it's not mouldy, I would still use it. Only a couple of small bags shouldn't take that long to use up, it shouldn't do them any damage, just won't have as much nutrients as it should.

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