Wound with maggots I can't get rid of **NOW WITH PICS**

Thats the same area I'm dealing with, I'll get pics the next time I wash her out, but I wonder why so many say not to use peroxide... I'd think it would help or at the very least KILL the nasties. Glad to see your silkie is healing up after only 10 days!
You can use perozide, you just dont want to use it everyday as it can be harsh, cause scabbing on the wound and therefore, leading to less skin granulation by second intention.

The "bubbling" effect of the peroxide help flush them out. It is quite affect. I have been a CVT for 10 years, ALWAYS used it. You can also, hold the wound under water. THe little suckers need to breath to if you can hold the wound under water, it will help them move out.

With kitten and puppies, we usually use a flea comb to brush through and remove the dead ones.

You will have to "flush" it every day for a few days to catch the new eggs hatching. But if you get the bulk of it now, it should be much easier, just follow up.

Good luck!
I have over 10 years of experience in Home Health as an RN, and I can tell you maggots ARE used in wound care, but they are grown in the lab so don't carry disease. One of the most common bacteria I have seen carried by maggots is.....oh, poopie, I forgot the name, brain fart! Anyway, do a search for saline, rinse the wound several times a day with it, and use tweezers to remove any maggots you find. They do only eat the dead tissue, but since they are probably carrying all kinds of nasty bacteria they will continue to spread infection and thus cause tissue death. Maybe sprinkle a little DE on the wound.....Iodine, betadine, peroxide all cause damage to healthy tissue.
An infected wound is usually much larger than the area you have first observed, as underlying tissue is almost always affected as well.
Keeping the wound moist is essential for healing. Saline is the most common rinse/cleanse agent as it is the same % of salt/water as blood.
Sooooo, a bowl of warm water with her bottom in it for 5 minutes or so might work on most of them....

I understand the peroxide thing now, I'll try to get some Betadine tomorrow, what exactly IS it though?
Betadine, aka povidone iodine, is a chemical that was used for many years to treat wound infections and to care for wounds. It is also used as a surgical scrub, and continues to be used for scrubbing. It has been found to impede the growth of new tissue, and has not been recommended for wound care for several years in the US.
Irregardless of that, it is ineffective once it dries. It has not been shown to kill maggots. Nor does a bleach solution diluent. The best way to deal with the maggots is to pick them out as they hatch and keep cleansing the wound with saline.
You are already using the triple antibiotic, right? That will help the wound stay moist in between cleansings, as a bandage.......well, prolly won't work in this situation.
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For right now I'm using Neosporin with a pain relief as this HAS to be painful for her. I DO have triple antibiotic ointment, if that will work better I'll switch. I'm going to try the saline deal with the turkey baster. I'm going to go look up the ratio for salt to water now. I'd imagine that too much salt will sting like heck.
OK, I have soaked her for 15 minutes in a warm water bath and used the saline solution with the turkey baster, we must have flushed out 50 to 75 maggots. She was quite calm once the shock of the water wore off. There are still a few left, I'm sure, I'll do this again tomorrow and every day until they are gone. I now have pictures, here they are, they are in thumbnail form and can be enlarged. Tell me what you think could have possibly done this and what the chances of her recovery are. She's still eating and drinking well and is not lethargic.

Double check this, but I'm pretty sure that you should NOT use pain relief medicine on a chicken..... one member lost a roo to some pain reliever in a salve.. apparently it (the pain numbing ingredient) is used to euthanize small animals! I would discontinue the pain relief neo and stick to the regular stuff.

edited to clarify "it"
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