Wound with maggots I can't get rid of **NOW WITH PICS**

While it is true that some fly maggots only eat dead flesh, it's also true that there are many OTHER species of fly maggots that eat LIVING flesh. Not ALL maggots are good for debrieding wounds - many will burrow right into the living tissue and feed off the wound and can end up killing the chicken.

Sounds like you are doing all the right things - take Diana (dlhunicorn's) advice, and the screw worm spray sounds like a good plan too if it is safe to use on poultry.

Good luck with your hen! If she is still eating and drinking well then ithat is a very good sign that will a little TLC she will make a full recovery.
Sorry I haven't checked in sooner. She's had 3 good soaks today, we just put her away for the night. I'm slowly cutting away the black stuff, some is poop, some is dead skin and some seems to be feathers. We've only flushed about 10 maggots out today and see no signs of new ones, but I just know theres more. She's eating great and isn't struggling when she sees the water, I swear she's enjoying it. I'll hit the Feed Barn tomorrow and find that Screw Worm spray. heck, I'd try anything to ensure these things all DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH. The remaining open wounds look clean and pink, I think they'll heal. Unfortunately, I found another wound at the top of her thigh on the front that we had previously missed, it's not bad but I'm keeping an eye on it as well. I saw the blasted little mutt I think did it again today running loose, he's lucky it was daylight and there was traffic. Anyway, I *think* she's looking better and I hope she's feeling better and judging from her appetite and spunk I'd hazard a guess to say she is. I'll keep up here until she's outside and happy and healthy. I can't thank you guys enough for all the help, suggestions and knowledge you've offered after I've been gone for so long!
A couple of things here.

It is probably not Screw Worm Maggots. There have been no reported self sustaining Screw Worm Fly populations in the US since 1966.
USDA Statement on Screw Worm Flies

So it is probably just regular old house fly maggots.

That being said, the best thing you can do it flush with saline solution, perfectly safe for all animals, and pluck the things out with hemostats. I have had to do this as a vet tech with 2 dogs. It's not fun.

The other thing is to cut away as much dead tissue as you can. That will get rid of the maggots quicker and help her heal quicker. Having her on antibiotics is probably a good thing as it will prevent any further infections. I would just make sure anything I have her on gets rid of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria (which Terramycin is) to have all of your bases covered.

Also if you have her on antibiotics it would be a good thing to also have her on a probiotic, yogurt or something.

Keep up what you are doing and you should have a healthy chicken again!
The screw worm spray will take care of any and all maggots. My calf had maggots around his picky area due to scours and an open wound. The spray did the trick. It also stops flys from laying more eggs...Gloria
Hi, I see this post is a bit old but thought I'd reply in case you're still having the maggot problem.

Last year I had a BO pullet attacked by something and she too was torn up pretty good. One day I went out to look her over and noticed something seemed to zip out of sight. After a more thorough examination I found that it was maggot. Man can those little buggars move when they want to! That led to an even close examination and I found four different wounds that were just infested with maggots.

I did let them do their job on the dead, decaying, and greenish-gray flesh that I thought might be gangrene. In addition to the maggots, we sprayed her down liberally with a hose, then applied a peroxide, saltwater, and tetracycline solution at various times to the wounds. After a few days the wounds were looking pretty "fresh" and I started picking off the maggots. It only took a couple more days before the maggots were all gone and they stopped appearing.

I would suggest letting the maggots eat away the dead and/or decaying flesh. Then try the above and see if that doesn't help.

Hope that helps.

God Bless,
Oh My Goddess, Elvie I just saw the pics...the little mutt would be road pizza if I got my hands on him.
for your birdie.
Oh that poor girl...she is lucky to have you to take care of her.

I know when I had my navel pierced back in 2006, I had to soak it in a sea salt saline solution for the healing. It was basically a puncture wound...the sea salt really helped in the healing process. regular table salt is processed and so forth and loses a lot of its healing properties. I also spent a week in utah at the Salt Flats and that really sped up the healing process.

As for that Mutt...I would be calling the authorities or animal control. At a minimum, I would follow the snot and see where it lives. If it has owners, they would be chatting with me about their loose nuisance and my chicken. I HATE irresponsible pet owners with a passion!

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