Wow...I'm a really huge dork

I guess I'm a dork, too. In third grade in a new school I got stuffed in the trash can. Got detention because I wouldn't rat the culprits out. My silence bought me acceptance. Maybe I'm not a dork after all? At this point in ife, I really don't care.
I fully embrace my dorkitude! I married a fellow nerd, so we get each other's Douglas Adams references. Also, it kept me out of a world of trouble in high school-- I was such a weirdo, with no social skills, unfortunate hair, and no fashion sense, that nobody bothered to offer me anything I shouldn't have been messing with anyway.
"Being offended by things is the world's big hobby at the moment. It's almost taken over from wearing goatee beards."-My favorite quote from Douglas Adams.

I still got into trouble, did some things I shouldn't have. I was kinda in with everyone I guess. Realizing now that I'm a huge nerd, and always was...My school must've been a little more accepting.
I'm back. You guys almost made me forget to pick my daughter up from her school banquet.

I just want to say I am glad I was able to provide the entertainment for tonight. (insert bowing smiley here)

I have always considered myself to be a bit of a nerd but right now......I'm feeling like a cool kid.


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