Wow.. New chicks hatched Fri. and Sat. - 2nd hen went broody on Wed. before, and a 3rd went broo


8 Years
Mar 8, 2011
Southern California
It has been sunny and warm during the day and it seems my hens are confused about what time of year it is.
I have new chicks less than a week old. Another hen sitting (went broody on the 4th) - hatch due the 25th. A third went broody today, so her hatch date will be Feb. 1st. The disciplinary weird weather is causing confusion and mass sitting at my So. Cal. home. I am happy for the excitement and the babies, maybe I will get some pullets this time and they will be big enough by Spring for the hawk not to want them so much... hopefully. And, if I get any pullets, they could easily be laying by summer, too.

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