Writing a story in a chicken's eyes! UPDATE Pg. 75!

This is brill!!!! I am really enjoying it, great writing!!!!
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Chapter 14, including the continued part

I let a couple of days pass before I approach Jasper. He is standing by the feeder, but he is not eating. I feel so bad about what had happened the other day, I know I have to do something.
I silently walk up to him and tap his shoulder. I’m expecting him to lash out on me and yell at me, but surprisingly, he turns around and smiles at me! Not believing my eyes, I stare at him for a couple of minutes. He seems to notice and gestures for me to speak.
“Jasper, look, I’m sorry about what happened the other day…” I begin.
“No, don’t be sorry. It wasn’t anything you did,” he says, shaking his head.
“Don’t mind me asking, but what was it? I mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” I add quickly.
“It’s ok, Cloudy. Sit down, and I’ll tell you,” Jasper says warmly.
“Ok,” I answer. We find a spot on a perch and he looks at me and starts to explain what upset him so badly the other night.
“It was a long time ago, about a year, when I lived on a farm where they free-ranged every day, all day long. We never got real food; just whatever we could find foraging. I was so hungry, and to make things worse, there were three more roosters, that were larger and older than me, who were always beating me up, and taking my food,” Jasper says.
“That must’ve been terrible!” I exclaim.
“It was. And I was so skinny, and I had a terrible case of scaly leg mites. Those are gone now, thank goodness. My tail feathers were destroyed and stubby and I had a bloody comb. My spurs were broken off and my feathers were dull colors due to lack of nutrition,” he finished.
“I’m so sorry to hear that, Jasper! I shouldn’t have said anything the other night,” I said, hanging my head.
“It’s ok, you didn’t know,” Jasper says, patting my shoulder.
“Thanks,” I smiled.
“I have to go check things out in the yard. Talk to you later, Cloudy,” he said.
“Bye, Jasper,” I looked up at him.
He set off out the door and walked into the yard. I felt terrible about what had happened to Jasper, but I’m glad he wasn’t angry at me. It felt like he trusted me now. It felt so good!
I went back and told Prim, Daisy, Onyx and Lilly that Jasper wasn’t mad at me. I didn’t tell them why, though, because I wasn’t sure if Jasper would want me to. I couldn’t screw up again.
I have a feeling that I will be spending the rest of the day relaxing. It’s been a long week and I need a break. I hear the human call for us because it has bread for us. I don’t even care at this point.
Its funny watching everyone race around, chasing the bread. I can’t imagine how stupid I must look racing after it! With my blue feathers, my feathers on my feet, I must be hilarious!
The hens get alot of the bread, but I see my friends get some every once in a while. Onyx breaks from the crowd and comes over to me.
"Are you ok?" he asks me.
"Yeah, I'm just worn out," I answer glumly.
"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" he asks again.
"Yeah," I sigh.
"Ok, if you're sure. Here, have some bread," Onyx offers.
"Thanks, Nyx," I say. I take a small piece of bread and nibble on it.
The next thing I know, I'm sound asleep.
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