Writing for Magazines/Blogs?


Free Ranging
9 Years
Apr 24, 2015
So, a recent email led me back down the searching rabbit hole of trying to find opportunities for writing and blogging that had at least some small compensation if published, with the chance for exposure for our website/YouTube channel and I wondered if you all had any suggestions.

I have contacted- GRIT, Farm & Ranch Living

I am looking for farm, livestock, homesteading, outdoor, self-sufficiency type places to contact if possible.

Thanks kindly
This may not be useful information, because you are probably already aware that Ogden Publications, which owns Grit, also has a bunch of other rural publications. When I was an
executive editor for Ogden Newspapers, I used to refer to the Kansas-based pubs as the "touchy-feely" ones. They include Mother Earth News, Mother Earth Living, Capper's Farmer and more, as opposed to our (allegedly) hard-news driven pubs.

I learned a lot working for Ogden but am hesitant to refer others to the company. However, writing for them and actually working in one of the brick-and-mortar buildings are sure to be entirely different experiences. May be worth a shot?
Ideally, I am looking to do something from home that would help boost website/personal blog/Etsy things like that just via links. If they publish it, then a small com. then - unfortunately, the opportunity I had like that is now going away. I'm going to start putting things on personal Wordpress but looking for chances to write something that could be published.
Ogden Newspapers have at least one rural publication -- I know because I was formerly its managing editor -- and likes to have "correspondents." people who write from their homes and receive payment, usually based on word count or "column inches." So, it might work to contact them, either in the newspaper or Kansas publications division. The two used to work pretty independently of each other.

HOWEVER, they used to require that the articles be copyrighted to them. Don't know if that's still the case because I walked away several years ago.

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