Wrong End?


12 Years
May 31, 2007
Why would my chicks be hatching at the narrow end of the egg. This is the second hatch to do this. It's not every egg, just a few in each hatch. Humidity and temp has been perfect and my eggs just lay on their side as they would in a nest. They are in a forced air homemade bator. What up???
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Were the eggs shipped? Are you using a turner or turning by hand? Shipped eggs that have not had a chance to rest for a sufficient time can sometimes be miss positioned. Eggs that are more oval in shape can also be prone to pipping at the wrong end or in the middle. Watch them carefully they can hatch but often need assistance. If you try to place these eggs resting against something during the last 3 days so the small end is downwards it can help.
The eggs weren't shipped. They are from my hens. I did have to help it hatch but now his navel has a pink fleshy looking something hanging out. Any thoughts???
What's Up? The small end!

If the large end of the eggs have been lower that the small end especially around the 14th day of incubation, they will become oriented to the wrong side! Once they get too big they cannot turn around. I was told at one point that they woundn't hatch, but mine always did!

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