Just wondering if anyone has either chicks or hatching eggs on these breeds. We had 15 chicks hatch over the last couple months and there are only 2 pullets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is that for rotten luck! I really need some more pullets for my bantam flock and want a mix of really pretty hens. I am willing to hatch if necessary (have lots of willing broodies at the moment... may change at any minute of course...) I don't need show quality but would like good breeding stock please... I would love some buff, dark and light brahma; and some of the porcelain or any other colour d'uccles (NOT mottled or barred though please) and some good quality ameraucana bantams! (again NOT barred - if you even get barred ameraucana's?) Who could help me with a couple dozen eggs (total) of all these breeds? Or about a dozen female chicks of these? Or two dozen unsexed chicks...
I would prefer mostly ameraucana with a few of the others for variety...
I would prefer mostly ameraucana with a few of the others for variety...