Does anyone know how to go about finding Easter Eggers pullets/hens that have that pretty blue/gray coloring and also some with white (not all white though) or even other colorful combos?
I have bought EEs 3 times now and can only seem to get the brown/gold ones. Not that I dont love them, but I would love to find ones like several people posts pics of on here. Ideal and McMurray both just sent me the more normal colored ones.
If anyone breeds these to sell, could I please get on a list or two for chicks...even if its not til Spring?
I have bought EEs 3 times now and can only seem to get the brown/gold ones. Not that I dont love them, but I would love to find ones like several people posts pics of on here. Ideal and McMurray both just sent me the more normal colored ones.
If anyone breeds these to sell, could I please get on a list or two for chicks...even if its not til Spring?