WTB: Red Caps and Blue Lace Red Wyandotts


11 Years
May 17, 2008
Sparta, TN
I am wanting to buy Red Caps and Blue lace Red Wyandotts. I am located in TN, but I would be willing to pay shipping if you was able to ship. I like to get a trio or a quad. I would like the to be between the ages of a few months to two years. Please let me know if you have any for sale. Thanks
Good Luck! I have been combing the ads looking for a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte girl! I have a stunning roo and no hens! ARGH! I just want one girl to breed, and no one has one.
I have a reversed trio of BLR Wyandottes- the roos are unrelated and they are all under a year old. I will be selling them if anyone is interested. I am in southern MI and would prefer not to ship, but I guess it is possible. The birds are from hobbyists who are regulars here on BYCs.
I am hoping to find someone interested in working with the breed- these are really pretty birds and gentle as well.
You can pm me if interested.

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