WTH is wrong with TSC? Chick purchasing nightmare.

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Yes, you are right there! Common sense, or lack thereof, is not limited to any group... monetary or otherwise... neither is a good worker or a good attitude. I'm going in tonight to work my just over minumum wage job and hope to have/be all of the above.

I can't tell you guys how angry I got last year when I watched a bunch of slovenly people turn their children loose on the chick bins at TSC. I finally had enough and went and got an employee. She told the kids to stop taking the birds out of one bin and plopping them down in a different one. The clueless adults continued their yapping, oblivious to their little darlings. Those kids were picking up every chick in the bin, none too gently either.

It's about time TSC took proactive measures to protect their chicks and ducks from negligent parents and their out-of-control children.
Never heard of that but then again I dont shop at TCS I shop at my local co ops being the only TCS is in Bakersfield a 2 day trek from me lol but there is a feed barn in apple valley and I went there to get black sex-links and Delaware and they had me fill out a note pad of my name and phone number but that was only to state I raise livestock so I wouldnt be charged sales tax which was pretty cool. anyone know if all feed stores are supposed to do that? or is it optional?
The more I read, the more I'm glad I went with a private hatchery for our chicks. We'll be picking them up next weekend. I did go into TSC after reading some of this thread last night and I was happy to see the gates. Cause I know the animals are safer. I do like our TSC though, the other day we went in early in the morning with our two kids (age 5 and 8 - the 8 year old is severely autistic) and one of the staffers took a moment to hold a chick so our kids could pet it. My youngest didn't want to and my oldest sadly went to grab the poor chick but I did what I could to stop her and allowed her to the pet chick hand over hand so it was gentle.

Whether TSC stays in the business of chick days or not, I don't know. However, I'm sure it does help sell feed and supplies for chickens!
Our TSC put up gates all around the chicks, and I'm so glad they did, after having watched a kid throw a baby duck on the floor as hard as he could. Mom picked it up and dropped it back into the tank with the chicks.

I got my EE's from them the other day, and they let me pick mine. Just opened the gate and left me to it. Harder to catch the ones you want with the gates, since the chicks run o the opposite end of the tanks, but I got a bunch of cuties. Nobody recorded my info, I just paid and took them home.
I didnt read this whole thread, so apologies if someone already posted, but the gates went up last week here, and apparently someone contracted salmonella from handling the chicks and is sueing. Heard it from an employee. Dont know what TSC it was though. I just wish they would take the dead or sick ones out promptly!!! and keep the water fairly clean....
I really hate to see TSC bashed across the board like this. Some stores are managed better than others, as with any chain. They have their own nightmares to deal with. Wouldn't you love to get sued over salmonella (which could have been picked up any number of ways)? I already posted that the chicks in the one I was in yesterday were well cared for, clean water etc., not a pasty butt in sight, probably 200+ healthy looking chicks and ducks there, employee available and treated customers perfectly well.
So far, there have been at least 4 reasons cited for the new policy lol. I think it's reasonable to not let people handle the chicks. Of course a company is going to be judged by their employees. They are what define a business. Our TSC has awesome employees, but I'm still not buying chicks there.
I think any precautions a feed store takes to help protect the chicks is good. Yes, keep them behind screens so every person/ kid with dirty, germy hands aren't picking up every chick in the bin. I don't want to buy a chick that's been held (and possibly dropped) by 50 people and their grubby kids. And I when I biuy a certain breed, its because that's the breed I wanted, not some mystery bird that got mixed up because someone put it back in the wrong bin. People just can't be trusted to have a clue about their actions.

Same with the safety of the chick. They are NOT toys to be tossed around or played with like in a toystore.

I wouldn't mind signing my name into a log book. Sure, its good in case something happens to the chick and you need a replacement, but its good to keep track of how many chicks a person buys and where they're going. I would question a person't motive and ability to care for 50 chicks if that's how many they are trying to buy. I think its important for them to protect themselves as well, like against that idiot who got salmonella. How do they know if those people were even customers at TSC?

Maybe they shouldn't have put their fingers in their mouths or eaten after holding chicks. Who doesn't know to wash their hands thoroughly after handling livestock. OF COURSE they're feet have poop all over them and there is a chance of diseases being passed.

People need to learn how to be responsible for their actions and think about others who are trying to be responsible (TSC) for THEMselves.
It just happens to be TSC in our town, and I do have a problem with animals not given basic care. I think the gates around the pens are a necessity, too many ppl handling those babies, and of course anyone could contract salmonella anywhere, I dont blame them a bit, and its probably for any number of reasons they decided to do keep customers off limits to the chicks. The other feed store in our town takes much better care, and has always kept the ducks and chicks off limits. They also have a flyer by the cash register with names and pics of the different breeds. Makes sense to me.
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