WTH is wrong with TSC? Chick purchasing nightmare.

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That mom should get a gold star!!

I was in TSC yesterday to exchange some wire and picked up 8 little bantams. The employees were super nice (they usually are at ours). They don't have cages up yet, but there was an employee on guard at the bins! A little girl (I'd say 3 yo) was trying to reach in the bins, parents watching, and he politely said something to the mother. I don't think the mom really knew what she was getting into, though.... When I first walked in, it looked like dad was in a little huff with mom and heard him say to just pick something. Right after that he walked outside. They got one little duck. I'm not sure what the minimum on them are, but I would surely get more than just one! Then she let the little girl carry the box, steady shaking it and banging it around. I'm sure that was an "awe, let's get her a toy" buy and I'll probably see it on craigslist in a month or so.....

My bantams were/are in excellent condition! There were only the 8 left so I got them all. The only thing I noticed was there wasn't sufficient heat on them. As in no lights on, but they did just get a shipment in that morning and they were selling like crazy so
When I got mine home, I put warm water our for them and they all pilled in it! Bless their little hearts, I had to show them that there was a warm light at the other side of the brooder! LOL!!

Oh yea, and I didn't have to sign anything. I was doing an exchange though, so she asked me for some info for that.
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I agree. At our local tsc is was open for the first 2 weeks, then corrals were up. I did get 4 before the gates went up and they let me pick them (they were the last 4, and they are familair with me at the store). SOmething must have happened for them to have to gate them off. Not a bad thing imho. I did have to sign last year, and this year. Ours in NH is for the State Agriculture Dept.
IF TSC is so horrible to it's customers and the chicks why do you keep buying from them? Why do you give them money to be horrid?

In my area there are many small feedstores that get in chicks and treat them well. My closest will even special order them for me. Many hatcheries now sell less than 25 chicks as well. When I've bought 25 and wanted less I've never ever had a problem selling the spares at a profit thru craigs list.

We don't have TSC around here, the big chain feedstore is Coastal and I've never bought a living thing from them. I buy almost 100% of my supplies from a local feedstore with a local owner and good employees who treat their customers right.
glad you said that, that's what I thought too

they can't just ask me for my information and say it's "law" without telling me EXACTLY what it's for and if the employee can't explain it then they should do a better job informing and training their employees!
TSC is getting a bad wrap here!!!
Yes they employ some careless stupid employee's so does Walmart ,Kmart, Shopko Kohls you get the picture.
Some people are not kind no matter what job they have, some people hate their job, some love it and make the best employee's, most are underpaid and bitter, you can't blame the Company for the employee's behavior, I'm sure once it's known by the management that an employee was rude/obnoxious whatever they will no longer be an employee.
I love our tractor supply, they always have what I need they have always been nice helpful, most employee's know their department well and can help you right away.
Retail stores are all alike depending on their work force, look at what has happened the last couple years........... for gods sake, we have people doing minimum wage jobs that were salary employee's making 75 Grand a year, do you think they might be a bit bitter and nasty about that? no excuse to be rude but I certainly understand some of it., they will get sorted out in time, The best thing to do is to report the rude nasty one's so a better person who actually wants that job has a chance to get it. If ever I'm treated rudely I ask for a manager and complain right away, with the employee present. I don't do anything behind peoples back, not even in this situation, because most people faced with there attitude right off will get the picture and make it right, if not hit the road I say.
I am in the OK City area, Edmond OK, and our TS, has done the same, putting up fence panels...the managers were really grumbling about it...they said that the customers couldn't see the chicks ( and I couldn't)... when I asked about the change, they said the CHANGE had come "from the top management"! Our managers were not happy about it

I LOVE my TS store ...the managers and staff are helpful and kind answering all my questions...

After 2 Wednesdays of CHICK Days, at TS being sold out, I was told to come at 8:00 am and stand at the stock tanks and wait for the chicks to be picked up at the post office... I did!

I told management and staff that I was there for new chicks... when the chick boxes were carried in ... they made a carry out box for me and they put 14, 2 day old chicks straight from the mailing boxes into my box...
They went over my list of needs as this was my first time to buy chicks...I bought High Production Reds, Rhode Island Reds... a stock tank/ brooder, pine shavings for chicks, a heat lamp/bulb, a 2 gallon waterer, a feeder pan, Chick CRUMBLES/feed...

I did not mind signing the CHICK book, as they said it was the procedure...

One month later, all fourteen chicks are alive and healthy...

Reading this forum for a couple weeks before buying and getting my questions answered both here on the forum and on BYC facebook and at Tractor Supply, has made this a rewarding hobby
I bought my chicks from a local farm supply and a local rancher, it's kind of sad all the bad TSC stories I read on here

If I have my choice in the future I'll take all my business to the local rancher, I'd rather support someone who knows his stuff and cares about his birds. He also guarantees pullets and will trade me a hen for any roosters I get by accident. That's just good customer service I think and I know any profit he makes either goes back into his flock or toward his daughters tuition. He offered to try and get me any bird I want if my daughter does 4H next year.

Sorry you had such a bad experience. I've worked in customer service of one form or another for over a decade now. There is never an excuse for that kind of rudeness. Unfortunately what happens all too often is poor management from the top. Employees are not given proper information, training, and support for new policies then they are treated poorly by rude customers while they struggle with implementing policies they don't understand. Then the next customer gets terrible service because now the employee is frustrated and angry.

I do love my local farm supply though, they're very courteous and friendly.
I bought 6 "clearance" chicks from them last year - for $4 lol - got 2 large red sex links that are great egg layers - 2 banties - one lil momma who is a great broody - and one roo that is great with the girls - and reminds me of a lil dog who thinks he's big and bad and doesnt know how small he is. lol - two other bI anties ended up gone - onelost to dogs and one who had to be culled when he started a vendetta with my 3 year old - he lost!

I knew i was going to get some pullets this year - willing to pay the little bit extra to avoid getting attached to a roo. I knew Wednesday was chick day - and they are selling them as fast as they get in. I had a girl go broody - and the eggs were bad - so it was perfect timing. I had to cull 2 roos that day - and knew that I had to do 2 more - so I decided it was a good day for some "retail chick therapy" They do have the gates up at ours - but the lady let me pick my own chicks. Two employees swear that the bin was pullets only that were sexed at the therapy. I won't know what they are because it was a mixed breed bin. They won't warranty them that I wont end up with six roos of course - they swear the sexing is accurate. Luckily so far lil momma is taking care of em. I did put a light in one corner for them just in case she rejects any of them.

here's crossing my fingers! I do buy all of my feed at TSC - cause it's on my way home. The employees are nice to me. Didn't have to sign any book
Wow... Well, the gates are for safety reasons. At our store we had a lot of trouble with kids being too rough, and they actually smushed a few chicks. The enclosure is a god-send if you ask me. Honestly I wouldn't be too upset at her for asking you to wait for the chicks either. I try to do that but sometimes people insist. They are also the ones who call up and complain when they have issues. I wish I could say "I told you to wait a little bit". The info, as far as i know, is for our records for when the state comes in to inspect our animal housing and record keeping. Info is never given out to anybody. We will pick out the chicks the customers want but we pick them out, whether you're an adult or not. Its a shame certain employees give all of us a bad rap.

Mmaddie's Mom, as for common sense, well, I know a whole bunch of extremely well paid people that have absolutely none, so it doesn't just apply to people working their patooties off for next to nothing.
We don't have TSC here so I have no experience with them. I can't imagine why a feed store would need to "quarantine" new chicks. Frankly, I won't buy chicks from my local feed store unless they are coming straight out of the hatchery box. I figure they are far more likely to catch something from being in the feed store brooder (which sees thousands of chicks every year).

As far as judging a company by it's employees, be they polite or rude, that is the biggest thing on which I DO judge a company! Employees are representatives of their company. If an employee is rude to me, I am likely to not patronize that store again.
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