WTH is wrong with TSC? Chick purchasing nightmare.

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I think with all the posts on these forums about the poor animal care, poor selling practices and ignorance of employees, that maybe people should stop giving TSC their money. They have obviously proven themselves in almost every case I have seen here to be ignorant about caring for the live animals they sell, but it is still working for them because people are still forking over money! Folks need to stop buying and protest with their pocketbook as well as with the petitions! Even if people crab about transactions gone wrong and sick/dead chicks here, TSC still ultimately wins, because people bought from them anyway.
Not attacking the OP at all by the way, I have just been reading a ton of similar posts this week, and am frustrated that they still get peoples' hard earned money when they completely don't deserve it. One can only hope TSC higher-ups monitor sites like this, see the crappy way real life transactions go in their stores and realize how bad their reputation is.

......carefully steps off teetery soap box now.........

and back to your regularly scheduled program.
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I just encountered this tonight. BUT, I went in anyway because I say a day old upside down with other chicks pecking at it and nobody would come around. But you can bet your sweet bottom that as soon as I went in there the girl showed up. She says I can't be in there because of new rules and I told her there was one hurt and I was trying to get it to give to them and she said I don't see any hurt. So I had to try to point it out to her through the corral panels. I asked her how someone is supposed to buy chicks if they can't even touch them and she said you can point to them. I said, no thanks I will buy mine somewhere else and we left. When we did we also left our cart full of cat food, horse feed, chicken feed, shavings, horse treats and a toy for my son. Oh well, I can get it all at a local feed store where I can see and touch the babies.
I bought some chicks at a TSC today. They were gated off but it was simple to push the gate aside. There were no kids around. No one said not to handle them but it was evident the personnel were supposed to do it. The chicks had enough feathers that I knew they had been there a few days. They were well cared for and I didn't see a poopy butt or sick chick anywhere.

The silly book was at the checkout, but it's not like they ask to see your ID, simple enough to write whatever you want. I never did get upset about the 6 chick minimum, it has to have stopped a lot of Easter agonies, and it should be easy enough to find someone to split an order with if you only have space for one or two.
I'm not going to be buying anything from there anymore. it makes no sense all the changes they are making.
If what you described was a nightmare, you lead a charmed life.

Those folks at TSC can't win for losing. People complain about poor treatment of chicks and the employee's lack of knowledge, yet here is a store that has put in place policies to protect the chicks and an employee who seems genuinely concerned about their welfare and they still catch hell.
Having a retail job does not give you a license to be rude.
I went into my local TSC the first week they had chicks- and it was just the same as last year. Bins with chicks, and a hand sanitizer for cleaning your hands when you were done catching your chicks- and boxing them up yourself. Boxes were nearby and a bin of shavings to put in the bottom. Kids grabbing, dads laughing as the toddlers almost fell in head first- and no worker anywhere around.

I went back two weeks later, as soon as they opened- set up my box, caught and boxed up the chicks I wanted. A salesgirl appeared as I was standing up and was incredibly rude to me. Wanted to know if I needed help> i told her nope, I was all set...*smile sweetly, ignoring her rude tone* and she said "You are NOT supposed to handle the chicks. You are supposed to ASK one of us to get your chicks." And I replied, "since when?" And she pointed to a small two inch by three inch sign stuck to ONE of the bins...and then said, "DID YOU SANITIZE YOUR HANDS?" I replied, "Not yet, I have just stood up." She told me, "NEXT TIME, ASK for help."

I went into a different TSC a few days ago, and they had their bins caged up and locked. There would be no way to touch those chicks- Im uncertain if that is the new rule for all TSC now.
They just gated mine this week. said a kid picked one up and squeezed it to death..........
I agree, yet she didn't say the gal was rude...

On the flip side of the coin I've seen employees abused by overly demanding customers that treat employees like peasants. (Not that that is the case here). The customer is not always right.

I could never work in retail. I'd end up choking somebody.
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