Wyandotte chick big comb rooster??


May 7, 2021
Hi All, Happy Friday! I was hoping I had two pullets but my 2 week old Wyandotte has a big old comb and I have no experience with this breed. She (he) got her tail feathers pretty quickly but that comb though 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️
What do y'all think?


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It's too soon to tell, but if there are other chicks of this breed that you can compare those feathers to, a male will be much deeper and more vividly colored. Around four to five weeks, the comb will be matched with conspicuously emerging wattles and will have more pigment than pullets. By age six weeks, Wyandotten cockerels are hard to miss.
Thank you azygous, unfortunately this is my only Wyandotte and I have no other to compare her to.
You won't have long to wait. By six weeks, it will have a reddish comb and conspicuous wattles if it's a cockerel. The feathers will be vivid in color and contrast. Pullets are mostly drab and muted until they get adult feathering.

Also watch for posture. Cockerels hold themselves more upright than pullets. Pretend there's a plumb ling running from head to toe, it will line up, head to feet. Pullets legs, when standing, usually run from the center mass to feet. Also by six weeks, cockerels have thicker legs and bigger feet. No matter the breeds of the other pullets, they will have more slender legs and daintier feet.

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