Wyandottes aggressive?


8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
Snohomish County, WA
I have ducks because my spouse didn't like the idea of getting chickens; however, I still reading about chickens. I had wanted to bet some barred rocks, but saw a golden lace wyandotte at the fair last summer and suddenly I had to have those. LOL I was reading up on the breed recently and the source indicated that Wyandottes are aggressive and not a good bird for first time chicken owners. They were considered cold hardy and good layers (which is important), but the "aggressive" concerns me. Would be interested to know what anyone who has raised them would have to say on this subject. Thanks
I had a few in with my first batch of hatchery birds. They were the most aggressive of all. I actually culled one hen just because she was so mean.

That said, if you are planning to get birds from a breeder, it will be quite a different story, I would think.
I have breeder birds, not hatchery birds, and mine are not aggressive at all. I've had problems with aggressive roosters in other breeds, but my Wyandottes have been fantastic, all of them. They are good to their ladies and respectful of people. The hens are a little standoffish, not aggressive.
If you get from hatchery stock or a breeder who got theirs from hatchery stock, you're taking the risk. Not all are aggressive, I've heard of plenty good stories, but the last Silver Laced rooster I had was exceptionally aggressive.

If you get from breeders though (and not just average breeders with hatchery stock) then you're very likely to get some good, well-tempered roosters. A good inclination of a bird from non-hatchery stock is being much, much bigger in size, having a much fluffier and more plump looking body, and having truly good lacing. Not little points at the tip of the feather, not almost entirely black feathers in majority of the body, but nice solid feathers evenly surrounded by a nice oval shape of black.
I had a hackery Silver Laced Wyandotte and she was pretty tame...People got to understand chickens are not the smartest animal in the world their not like dogs Ive had a chicken I raised since the day it hatched it was mean as heck lol I would not have killed it for the world though
I would likely be getting them from the local feed store which gets them from a hatchery. Strickly hens, no roosters. Thanks for your input, food for thought. Maybe back to Barred Rocks!
I'd suggest Wyandottes then. I've never heard of an aggressive Wyandotte HEN. Plus, they're not as commonly found as Rocks and are a sight to see when of decent quality.
I have 3 from a hatchery and they were aggressive until they matured fully. One of the meanest really calmed down after she went broody. One never was aggressive and the other one is incharge of the whole flock.

They are smaller from the hatchery, good layers but can be aggressive.

I won't be doing hatchery again and I wouldn't suggest it to anyone else either.

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