
I have three wyandotte teenagers from mypetchicken, so I guess the hatchery was Meyer's, and I'm really happy with them. I was a little nervous because I'd read a lot of conflicting reports about them here on BYC.

My little GLW is bold, friendly, curious, and active, but likes to be petted and held. She's the best chicken in the bunch. My two SLWs are a bit more shy, but aren't unfriendly in any way. They don't compare to the pushiness of my australorps or the 'oh i'll just sleep here all day it is perfect, wake me up if the lady brings mealworms' attitude of my buff orps, but they are nice birds.
I have various Wyandottes. I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with them, but they are defiently one of the last on my favorites list.

I LOVE my BLRW. Cute, sweet, ect.

But my SLW, and GLW are well.... Just chickens. They aren't mean or whatever, but they are just there. Not pets, not real friendly. I used to think they were beautiful and got them to breed. But now that I have aquired many more, and in my opinion better breeds. They seem plain to me. I am still deciding if I am keeping or selling them off. If I keep them, I won't be getting anymore later on.

If I were you. I would go with Light Brahmas, Silkies, Frizzles, EE's. Or just about any other of the great breeds out there.

But like I said, there is nothing wrong with Wyandottes. They just don't seem to have personalities like my other chickens. And I love when chickens look different, and act different.
I have one SLW roo and he is an absolute sweetheart. I love him so much that I have an order of SLW's coming in tomorrow. The second I go into the chicken yard he comes running to me immediately looking for loving.

I can't wait to get my new ones tomorrow.

Wyandottes are an amazing breed! I LOVE my trio! My rooster did happen to get rhyne neck but other than that they are amazing!

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