Wyondotte with every changing egg color


7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
I have an adorable, friendly, sweet...did I say ADORABLE! Lace Wyondotte bantum...she's about 10 months or so old. She is a moderate layer, cute "small" sized eggs...starting back up to 2 - 3 per week (she slowed down quite a bit this winter).

The interesting thing with "Queenie"...her eggs have always, from day one...been WHITE. Not light tan but actual white. Nicely shaped, good shell...white. She is healthy, pretty...and ADORABLE
. Anyway...when she started laying again a month or so ago...she started laying more on the tan side eggs. Ok...so tan/brown is what a wyondotte should lay...cool. NOW, her last 4 eggs have been...GREEN! Again, no difference in how she is acting or how she looks. Again, the eggs are very nice shaped, good shell... I've not changed anything with their feed...still layer plus pellets (blue seal) with calcium free choice, and kitchen scraps here and there (more when hubby is around...he LOVES to feed them...and will usually FIND stuff to give them. he loves to have them run to him and chase him around...so cute!)

Anyway...so...should I be worried...or just enjoy the new color to my egg pallate? I was complaining how I've not got any of the "blue" egg layers in my flock (YET!)...maybe God has taken pity on me
Huh, that's really strange. Are you sure that the green eggs are coming from her? Do you have any new pullets that could be laying the green eggs? I only ask because if she had the blue egg gene you should have been getting green eggs since her eggs started turning tan.
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Neat huh? Yup...I'm sure. Queenie has a really...um...unique call when she gives us an egg...we can be anywhere in the HOUSE and hear her. Also, she has discovered that she likes to lay UNDER the pop door...and she allows NO ONE ELSE to go there...really funny, actually. and..no new pullets laying. We've had all these girls all winter.

Finally...the first green one was under the pop door...and we found it immediately after it was laid. We saw here under there...heard her call...and went out right after. no one else had been under there as this egg was the first anyone laid there...and she was the first to discover it.
Wow, you really have a rainbow layer there!
I have one chicken, an Easter Egger, that used to lay me the prettiest blue/green jumbo eggs but then she had a crop impaction and stopped laying for a few months. When she finally started up again she was laying golf ball sized white eggs. It was the craziest thing! They changed from white to blue and then finally 2 days ago she laid a green one, still golf ball sized, but at least she's slowly getting back to normal. Crazy chickens.
Not possible. Blue is a shell color, not a coating. It is possible for a hen to lay whitish eggs at the end of a laying cycle and then tan when she starts the next one. It's possible for a green layer to lay blue eggs toward the paler end of her cycle and then go back to green. But no, it's not possible for one hen to lay tan, white, and green. You have either a new layer or a practical joker around.
no new layer...as this is a flock with no new members since october 2012...and they were all laying by Nov 2012...and throughout the winter. Also, no practical joker as we have had at least 4 of these eggs...I will take a picture when I get another one...
You aren't the first one to make such a claim but the rest of them all had a chicken they thought was laying but later discovered it hadn't been. I understand that you'd rather believe you have a really unique case but it's simply not possible.
here is a picture of the egg...now, we have a chicken that we don't know WHAT she is...silkie...something. She kinda lays. Maybe her's? How often does a silkie lay? Never seen her even try to lay but?

ok, I will take my lumps...we DO have a "new" egg layer. Well, not really a new layer...she has layed two "yolkless" eggs since winter (one the size of the tip of my thumb, and the other not much bigger). Also, as we knew she was part silkie (puffy head and feathered feet) we figured her egg laying would be minimal if at all...with miniscule, nothing eggs. WRONG!!! WE caught her! We knew she was a silkie mix...but, never really considered a mix with what. Looks like EE or Amarecana (spelling?) Here is a picture of her (last November)...

So...the experts have it! A chicken does NOT change its egg color

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