YAAA - They are starting to sit on the next


Mar 4, 2020
I do believe today is the day the girls have decided enough eggs are in the nest. Thelma (Pekin) and Lady (Muscovy) have been adding to the nest and we have 14 eggs. Lady was sitting this morning through 10 am. and Thelma has been on the nest the rest of the day. Question - will they take turns or will one be the "Mom". My first set of egglings …..way cool!
I have been reading posts that Pekin are not typically good moms. My pekin is sitting the majority of the day, then the muskovy will sit some (not as much). Anyone else have experience with 2 different hens sitting on the same nest? They both added eggs to the single nest. thnx for any insights
he is a Muscovy and I saw him breed both hens although he is definitely more fond of the Muscovy. He also has not been breeding since they started sitting on Monday - is that normal and a sign all is good? Will the hens share the sitting? The Pekin is the most dedicated - muscovy hen, not so much. Also neither sit on the nest from about 5 - 8 pm. anything to be worried about? I have not candled yet. I understand the hatching may not be ideal, but since neither are super broody and they filled the same nest, I am cautious to try to make another nest
Muscovy take 35 days to hatch other domestic ducks 28 this is give or take a day for both. Just so you know. 3 hrs is a long time for the broody to be off her nest.

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