OK my hens are 2 and a half yrs. old. I got 4 pullets a couple weeks ago. They are 10 weeks old. The hens eat layer feed and I put the chicks on medicated starter. I would like to start integrating the pullets soon but I can't have everyone eating everyone else's food. Right now I hang the Littles food up high so the big girls can't get it when I let them mingle in the evenings. Another problem is I have a 50 lb bag of chick food they are not going to get through before I want to take the divider down.
Is it very very bad for the big girls to eat medicated food? I know it's bad for the Littles to eat the layer food. What should I doooooo? The babies are growing fast and I would like to start introducing them to the coop. I don't want them getting too used to roosting in the run. (Don't worry, it's very secure)
Is it very very bad for the big girls to eat medicated food? I know it's bad for the Littles to eat the layer food. What should I doooooo? The babies are growing fast and I would like to start introducing them to the coop. I don't want them getting too used to roosting in the run. (Don't worry, it's very secure)