Yellow now White packing peanuts from ideal


8 Years
Apr 23, 2011
SW Arkansas
When I got these they were completely yellow. Now they have competely feathered out and they are completely white. They have no spots anywhere. I was told they could be leghorns, but the lady was not sure. So, at 4 months old, can anyone tell what they are as far as breed goes.

I was told by the hatchery they would be all male. Now, I only have 1 that looks really male-ish. I am sure he is a roo because he did try to mount 1 of my hens. The others look like hens to me, but I am still not sure about the breed. They are all white and their combs and wattles are all different sizes and colors. The older roosters try to mount several of them, which is also an indicator they are mostly hens. I have 13 of these. It would be fantastic if they are all hens.

This is the same bird all 4 pictures (this is the male-is one). Thanks for any help you can offer!!




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The last pic might be a hen, hard to tell from the quality of the pic. The others are male, probably white rock as stated. Too bulky to be leghorns. They'll make nice table birds if you're so inclined.
White rock s are a good guess but those leg's are sure long............. never ever listen to the so called hatchery experts LOL, those knuckleheads don't know their own names except for it's printed on their shirts. WR is my guess.
Looks a lot like my California Whites (leghorn cross is what they should call them)

Pepper at about 15 weeks. Her comb is much redder and larger now at 20 weeks.
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I am happy to hear you think you have some hens in there!! I have just gotten 7 packing peanuts from Ideal about two weeks ago..and yes they stated that they were all males too. I am a little nervous because I really did not need 7 Roosters! LOL However mine are red in color. I hope it works out well for you.

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