yellow runny poop, lethargic, comb dropping


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
Wood Palace, Palm City
Hello, I have 7 layers about a year old. On Sunday, I noticed 2 huddled together in the yard and when I picked them up, and they didn't try to run away, I knew something was up. My Barred Rock had yellow runny poo stuck all over her tail feathers and I also noticed her comb dropping, so I started researching it
And began oxy-tetracycline in case she had a bacterial infection. The Wyandotte also seemed under the weather, so I quarantined both of them. They were both eating and drinking a little. Just laying around, not perching or really interested in anything. The Barred Rock seemed very distressed and breathing hard, so I found a thread that said where Epsom salt baths were like a "Spa Treatment" for chickens. So I gave her an Epsom salt soak, fed her some Epsom salt water (1 tspn to a cup of water - I gave her a few syringe fills) - this is supposed to release toxins and I also fed her some olive oil, to help loosen any thing that might be impacted. She relaxed immediately after the Epsom salt bath (plus it got all the poo off her butt). The Wyandotte wasn't distressed and she seemed. Later, I found this in my sink drain. Is it possibly her shedding her intestinal lining? Do you think she has worms? Should I treat for worms?

Sadly, I found the Wyandotte dead in the cage this morning. The Barred Rock is about the same, I bathed her again, she's eating a little and drinking a little. She's still lethargic, her comb is dropping, she's not interested in much. The other 5 in the flock are great - the poos are all normal, the behavior is normal, etc.

The only thing I can think that I have done differently with them, is recently I was concerned they weren't getting enough protein and in the course of a few days last week, I gave them some grocery store canned cat food, which I have since heard I should not have done. That the cheap brands of cat food have a lot of ingredients that could have been sensitive to the chickens.

Also, I made sure she had some antibiotic in her this morning, I put plain water in her cage, I plan to wait for 2 hours to give her some probiotics - then wait again 2 hours to give her back her antibiotics. Is that a good idea?

Any ideas? Thanks so much in advance.
I'm not sure about what is in the droppings, possibly some round worms, but hard to see. I would not recommend giving epsom salts orally to chickens unless you are trying to flush out their systems from eating poison, because it is a strong cathartic laxative, and may result in dehydration. Also oil should not be given to chickens (even though a lot recommend it) since it can be aspirated into the lungs if they throw up. It doesn't really treat crop problems, but water should be given for crop impaction. Canned cat food doesn't contain very much protein--much less than dry cat food which is about 32% versus about 10-12% in canned. Diarrhea can be caused by worms, coccidiosis, vent gleet, and many other diseases. I would recommend possibly treating for coccidiosis, if you see no improvement after completing antibiotics. But first I would worm with SafeGuard goat wormer or Valbazen 1/2 ml orally, and repeat in 10 days. Make sure to check them for mites and lice especially under vent. Heat stress this time of year can really slow down laying, and make chickens feel puny. I hope the barred rock feels better soon.
Thank you so much! OK - so, just to be clear - you say I should complete the current antibiotic she is on (oxytetracycline) and when that is done THEN deworm her? And if she isn't improved after the antibiotics, then treat her for coccidiosis? (FYI - I generally put food grade diatomaceous earth in their food as a dewormer.) Or would you recommend that I deworm her NOW while she is still on antibiotics and in a weakened state? Will the deworming put any stress on her?

She is eating pretty good, I brought out some scrambled egg and watermelon and she seemed to enjoy those. So that is good. But she is still lethargic. Tale and comb droopy. As far as I can tell she has no mites or lice (I've been bathing her and blow drying her - seeing right up close and personal!)

And I live in southern Florida where we have been having over 100 degree weather lately - so I'm sure the heat isn't helping.

Here's a photo of her poop - earlier, it was really yellow - now it seems to be green and white and she hasn't eaten any grass or anything green that I'm aware of for the past few days. (the brown spots are her crumble that spilled into it.

Thank you so much for your help, I truly appreciate the expertise advice!
I would finish the oxytetracycline, only because you started it. I'm not a fan of treating with antibiotics without knowing for sure what I'm treating for because of antibiotic resistance, but I think you should finish it. Green in the droppings usually means they are eating much. DE doesn't do much of anything, and especially when wet, so I would worm her with SafeGuard liquid goat wormer or Valbazen, and you can do that now or when you get the medicine. Dosage is 1/2 ml, then repeat in 10 days. Coccidiosis is more common in young chickens under 20 weeks old, but older chickens can still get it if they are exposed to a new strain especially if a new chicken has been brought in, or they are on new ground. Make sure they have cool water in a couple of locations in the shade, and I like to put flat pans of water to stand in to cool their feet.
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My Barred Rock is still about the same - she is eating very little and pooping very little, mostly green and white. I had a stool sample tested at my vet - it showed no parasites. Since the other 5 in the flock are all fine and one other got sick with this one - I'm thinking maybe the two of them got into something bad or maybe ate a poison caterpillar ... I don't know! I gave her the safe-guard on Monday. So do I just wait and see? I give her a lot of food to choose from, she is very disinterested and only seems to want eat the watermelon. I've tried enticing her with meal worms, scrambled eggs, cucumbers, and grapes - she leans more towards the watery things: watermelon, grapes and cucumbers. Is there anything else I can do? THANK YOU!

Midnight passed away this morning. Yesterday I took her to avian vet and she was admitted and a bunch of tests run. She died sometime between 3 and 7 am. When the vet called, she requested if she could do a post-mortem on her, her x-rays showed nothing, however dissection revealed egg yolk peritonitis. I had given her oxy tetracycline as I had originally thought this might have been issue.

The Avian vet is suggesting to treat the entire flock with antibiotics - thoughts on this?

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