Yet Another Chicken Coop!

Today i cut up scrap hardware cloth to cover the spaces in the eaves and tacked most of it up. Put up the last nest box. It was raining off and on , but i tacked up the rest of the welded wire on the first row of the second run. Hope to put up more tomorrow. I can't put chickens in the coop until it is all secured.
You've done an amazing job @CapricornFarm!! Can't wait to see the finished product! You've got me feeling like I can tackle the barn remodel I need to get done to move my chickens, ducks, and goats in for the winter. We haven't used the barn in years but an impulsive chicken-bender ended up in us outgrowing our coop. Plus my dad showed up with 2 ducklings a couple weeks ago with no forethought of a space and coop for them. He's 81 and not so steady on his feet so new project for me to work on LOL. It's the old farmer in him. Getting some animals back in this place since I moved in to help him out has made him happy, so I'm glad to take on the challenge.

Keep up the awesome work!!
You've done an amazing job @CapricornFarm!! Can't wait to see the finished product! You've got me feeling like I can tackle the barn remodel I need to get done to move my chickens, ducks, and goats in for the winter. We haven't used the barn in years but an impulsive chicken-bender ended up in us outgrowing our coop. Plus my dad showed up with 2 ducklings a couple weeks ago with no forethought of a space and coop for them. He's 81 and not so steady on his feet so new project for me to work on LOL. It's the old farmer in him. Getting some animals back in this place since I moved in to help him out has made him happy, so I'm glad to take on the challenge.

Keep up the awesome work!!

The barn update could be a great project for you & your dad to work on together. Even if he can't physically help with the actual building, he might enjoy the planning of it.
The barn update could be a great project for you & your dad to work on together. Even if he can't physically help with the actual building, he might enjoy the planning of it.
I agree He has started clearing some stuff out and has an idea of where he wants the different animals. I have to get him up there with me so we can talk some of it through. I wish we could have started by now but work full time and the weekends have been so busy. I just built a bigger 4x4 brooder for the chicks. Fortunately I thought ahead and bought materials I can repurpose for the barn!
Yesterday i hung the door on one side of the coop. Worked on securing the eaves, and cut hardware cloth for the run. And hung the last shutter. Today i hope to work on the second run and tack up hardware cloth over the door.
All of the shutters are up, lid on the last nest box. The hardware cloth is up over the eaves and the roof is screwed on through the wood i put in the spaces between rafters.
Hubby put trim around the door! I loved having help.
I prepared the wood for the roof of the run today and painted it. I fear i will not have enough welded wire to finish the roof of the run, and no time to go to town before the swap on Saturday.
And i tacked the hardware cloth on around run#1. I cut a whole roll of hardware cloth into foot wide strips today, not fond of that but it needed to be done for the apron around the coop and run #2.

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