Yet another turn in May's latest problem


7 Years
Jun 2, 2012
Washington state
My special serama hen, May, has been having a hard time of it. After she disappeared for six days and came back thin, filthy, and dehydrated(if you want to read about it, this is the link: ), things started going downhill for her. She started out having a slight wheeze about three days afterwards, but it wasn't bad and she was acting normal. Then about two to three weeks ago it got bad, you could hear it from ten feet away, and she was tired with a pale comb. She would eat and drink a lot, and yet was still losing a hideous amount of weight for a chicken that doesn't weigh a pound even when fat. We put her on antibiotics, and it seemed to be helping. She got bright and perky, and had only a slight wheeze. Then today she couldn't stay on her feet, was pale, and kept losing her balance. She would use her wings as crutches and couldn't clear an eighteen-inch gate(this is a hen who can normally helicopter eight feet straight up). She also couldn't seem to really walk. She would walk four or five paces with a pained, stiff gait, then plop down, peck at the carpet in a defeated air, use her wings to push herself back up, and repeat. So we took her into the vet again. This is the fifth or sixth time. So now our pockets are lighter, May is slightly muzzy from being put under for some X-rays, and she is started on ANOTHER course of antibiotics. As I write, she is half-asleep, watching me through one of the windows in her hospital box, aka The Palace.

Here's The Palace:

Her mate Squeaker(who absolutely worships the ground she walks upon, not that she sees him as more than a tiny, loud nuisance who occasionally brings food), keeps doting on her, bringing her food, shoving his head under her wing when she falls in an effort to help her get up.

I'll post further updates as they come
Poor little May.
I wonder what she had gotten in to while she was away?? I think that's so sweet of Squeaker to take such good care of May. Who said all roosters are mean. Love the pics too. Thanks for sharing, and keep up the good work taking such great care of her. A hug for you too
May is doing better today. She's been walking around, and has even had the energy to dust bathe when I took her outside. This morning I sewed her a sling so I could carry her more easily.

She has not been amused by the habit of the inseparable duo of a couple of the outside bantams to perch on the porch railing, which is within clear view of her favorite spot on the sofa. This time May has felt good enough to put her hackles up. Squeaker has not been pleased with his mate sleeping clear across the house, and has voiced his displeasure by crowing and squawking throughout the night. We tried sticking a blanket over his cage, but he wouldn't be quiet until he got to check on May at frequent intervals. Hopefully I will have more good news to report tomorrow.
May is doing great! She's still a bit sleepy, but she can walk, and she isn't using her wings as crutches. Her appetite is doing great, and May tries to eat anything that isn't nailed down. :D I am so glad she is doing well. Oh, and she and Squeaker are hilarious to watch. Just a few minutes ago, May was napping on the rug, and Squeaker strutted over to her, chattering like crazy, and started flapping his wings. She lifted up her head, and gave him the stink eye like she was saying, "It's already cold enough. I don't need a fan." She's also been dust bathing until she is light brown. Guess I'm really going to need to dust the couch. Not the best place for her to perch... And yet she's still sprawled on the back of the couch... :rolleyes: But after all she's been through, she's earned it. I'll post more when I know more.



May is continuing to improve. She's been running around crazily, and beating up Hazel, a BO pullet five or six times her size. Turns out she has aspergillosis, plus a bacterial infection. So we're treating her for both, and so far, she's doing better. May managed to run off with my pizza(which, considering it was as big as she is, is no mean feat), AND outrun me. She's gone back to her standard wild and woolly habits, so I think she'll get better. She and Squeaker love the the yogurt I feed them, and have learned to troop over to let me wash their faces.

P. S.
Squeaker got the full spa treatment today, plus the oh-so masculine nickname 'The Girly Boy'. I gave him a bath with pyrethrin shampoo after a suspiciously flea-ish looking object jumped off of me while Squeaker was perched on my shoulder. When I put him to dry on a towel under a heat lamp in the bathroom while I looked at nail polish colors, he crawled out from the towel and started knocking nail polish bottles off the counter. So I picked out the only pet nail polish we had(which was neon pink), and painted his nails with it as revenge. After the polish dried, I let him go and watched him strut up to May and start dancing. May appeared to do a double take, and then, if chickens could laugh, she would have been rolling on the floor. Then Squeaker stalked off with wounded dignity. Needless to say, May has never had a very high opinion of Squeaker, and this has not raised him any higher in her eyes. So, another day, another spa treatment, another not-particularly-masculine title. :lau
May is off her medications and is doing great! :D She's going to the vet for a final recheck, and I have my fingers for the green light!

Squeaker is going through a bad boy phase and won't let me catch him after I let him out to free range, so he's been staying inside while May goes out. Needless to say, he is NOT pleased. We have recently had a cold snap, so I hung a heat lamp in the living room. It's hilarious to see six Italian greyhounds(a friend just broke her leg, so we have three more including a two months old puppy), and a pair of Seramas piled up under it! The dogs aren't sure what to think, though. :/




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