All Stained and ready for the chickens.

I like it, especially the roosting poles. I would have done mine like that, except my chickens don't sleep on the roosting pole I have for them. They sleep on and in the nesting boxes
. What kind of dog is that?
SWEET BABY JESUS!!!! Hubby just called and I have a BRAHMA that will be out of the shell by the time he gets back from picking DS up from SCHOOLLLLL!!!!

Looks like a Great Pyrenees? Looks a bit smaller than the average Great Pyr in the pic but that could just be this photo.

I noticed the beautiful dog too, I have an Anatolian (another livestock guardian breed).
She is a rescue. We think she is a labradootle or a wheaten mix. I dunno but shes 109lbs, eats alot, poops alot, sheds alot, sleeps alot, she is 7 years old and her name is chloe.
Soooo....moving on now......what do you put chick grit in? I purchased some today because I want to begin giving my chicks some different things as treats other than their chick food. I put it in a dish just like my book
said to do and the Brat Pack immediately turned it over. Then we perched on it.

Do I need another feeder thingy for the grit?

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