Process them Chick. Home grown is the best meat ever and you process in just weeks
Well, most of these would be much older by the time they got processed. They aren't cornish-related at all, and I would wait until the males and females started to crow or lay eggs before getting rid of the males, just to be sure I was keeping the hens. So I'd be looking at no less than 16 weeks old for most of them, depending on the breed/mix.
Although, on that note, I do plan to get some Turkey eggs from abmaddox soon, and try hatching them out. And once I get those up and going, I plan to bring a couple of toms every now and then for her to process. I'll make sure to bring one for me and one for her each time, as her "payment" for processing.
Well, most of these would be much older by the time they got processed. They aren't cornish-related at all, and I would wait until the males and females started to crow or lay eggs before getting rid of the males, just to be sure I was keeping the hens. So I'd be looking at no less than 16 weeks old for most of them, depending on the breed/mix.

RIR and Dorking can't be processed before 22wks (generally) so you're good with an older bird so long as they're not doing a lot of running around. Unless you plan to crock pot it.
Shoot, I thought I was sending you to the facebook page for the lodge to see what goes on here. This is the link.https://www.facebook.com/BearRidgeLodge This is our home that we now rent out. My husband built it when our 4 kids and 4 grandkids were local. Now they all live far away. The house was just too big for the two of us, so we stay in the apartment over the garage and rent out the rest of the house. And yes, I clean the entire house myself after each group leaves! The laundry sometimes is two piles over 4 feet high! And the floors and the windows and the bathrooms and the hot tub, etc, etc, etc all need cleaning! Ugh, and my husband asks me why I am so tired all the time! HA!
Mine didn't when they were younger. But from about a year old and up, they eat almost anything given to them. They LOVE tearing apart soft apples and pears though! Not quite rotten, but not hard and fresh anymore either.
They like apples and pears because the flesh isn't green. They don't like broccoli, cucumber, lettuce, swiss chard, kale, etc. I don't know why, but otherwise yes, they'll eat anything!
Whew, this weekends renters included 10 adults and 13 kids. All the kids ranged from 3 - 7 years old. At first, my DH and I were worried that they would trash the house and yard (and it's happened before), but these kids are all really sweet and well behaved and get along really great! Today we did a pirates treasure hunt for them and they had to solve clues and walked all over our 25 acres! (Parents love that we tire out the kids so they go to bed early!) At the end, they dig up their treasure (that the parents give us in advance) They all had a great time. I also had a mini chicken class and they all got a chance to hold the younger chickens and asked all types of questions.....mostly like "do these eggs have baby chickens in them?" NO, I don't have a rooster to be their daddy....,they need a daddy to make a baby chick." So, they all leave and run up to my husband and ask him if he will be the daddy to my eggs so I can get baby chicks in my eggs!!!!! hahahahah.....kids are so cute......(sometimes!)

Here is our website: http://bearridgelodge.com/

And! I was sneaky and got two baby chicks today! A speckled sussex and an Easter Egger that has a few feathers already. Very unusual coloring. White with orange. Hope it will be a lacy looking color. My DH will shoot me when he finds out! But, I just sold my true rumpless Araucanas pair and a guy is suppose to come tomorrow and buy my Serama roo and I found a guy to take my EE roo and the Serama girl is leaving next week. I also may sell my POL Silver Laced Wyandotte because I already have one. I also have an extra Black Australorp that I could part with. And, so I needed to replace them with a breed I don't have, right?! I am suppose to be downsizing! But, with the predators around here, I could lose a bunch in one lump sum! So, I need to have enough now, right? Just in case I lose some later, right?
Beautiful house!

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