I'm sick of dreaming of hatching for one thing. Last night I dreamed I woke up to GIANT chicks all fluffy in there. One looked like a penguin, one was electric blue with yellow and white flecks and circles on it.. I was trying to post a pic and y'all were telling me what it might be..

I'm sick of dreaming of hatching for one thing. Last night I dreamed I woke up to GIANT chicks all fluffy in there. One looked like a penguin, one was electric blue with yellow and white flecks and circles on it.. I was trying to post a pic and y'all were telling me what it might be..


Too much crack before bed would be my guess....
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Too much crack before bed would be my guess....
Best response ever... Just remember crack usage doesn't mean cracked eggs! (Get it... because a cracked egg would mean it's hatching...)
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I'm sick of dreaming of hatching for one thing. Last night I dreamed I woke up to GIANT chicks all fluffy in there. One looked like a penguin, one was electric blue with yellow and white flecks and circles on it.. I was trying to post a pic and y'all were telling me what it might be..


What the hell have you been taking?!?
Ha! Y'all don't know me well, I forget. I have VERY vivid dreams. Always have. In color.. I wear myself out dreaming. Not every night, thankfully. ;) But when I do I always remember them in great detail..

Edit- strangely enough, one of Mr Carcar's favorite nicknames for me is "crackhead"

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I took this picture of my big daddy Rhodebar Saturday while him an his girls were mowing the lawn and removing pesky ticks from the property. I had to share this pic, because it's the best one I have ever taken of him. His name is Zaxby, and there are some folks on this thread who have taken some of his offspring to their home. Enjoy!
So beautiful, by the way. :)
I just wanted to say that I love reading all of your posts but rarely have time to respond. I never knew getting started with chickens could be so time consuming:). After finishing our coop a month or so ago, I realized I wanted a few things changed to make my life a little easier. This past weekend was spent entirely running water lines over to the coop and installing an automatic waterer using the nipple system. Never again will I have to crawl under the coop to get the bucket with nipples out and fill it. I didn't like not being able to physically see how much water they had so I crawled under there often. If I had it to do over again I would have raised the coop another foot or so off of the ground. Next we will be building an auto feeder and take out the hanging feeder that also hangs under the coop. The tank for the auto waterer uses a toilet refill valve inside of a piece of 4 inch pvc pipe. When they drink, it automatically fills back up directly from the water line. Many thanks to my sweet hubby for doing such an awesome job. Pics will follow tomorrow:)

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