Are they actually letting you keep a rooster in the city like that? So far, anyway?
They are! We are actually allowed to have roosters. Our backyard goes fairly far back for an Atlanta lot, and our neighbors lover our birds. We catch them back there feeding them all the time! We just got 4 more chicks (we currently have 3 hens and 1 rooster), and it looks like 2/4 might be roosters... if that is the case we might keep one of the future roosters and re-home our 1 year old RIR rooster, who has grown to be fairly aggressive.
I had been thinking about re-homing one of my mallard drakes and I have officially decided against it. I took both of them in the house yesterday for the first time in about a month and they stopped being butts and snuggled and chilled out. Guess I'm going to have to find them some girlfriends. It also looks like I may have to find a male for my lovely Khaki ladies as I believe I just heard three quacks. If anyone knows of any late season ducklings or some young ducks let me know. I want to have a few nice breeding groups next spring!
I had been thinking about re-homing one of my mallard drakes and I have officially decided against it. I took both of them in the house yesterday for the first time in about a month and they stopped being butts and snuggled and chilled out. Guess I'm going to have to find them some girlfriends. It also looks like I may have to find a male for my lovely Khaki ladies as I believe I just heard three quacks. If anyone knows of any late season ducklings or some young ducks let me know. I want to have a few nice breeding groups next spring!
Question about the quacking...

Is it possible for a female to have the hoarse whisper with an occasional quack? I'm trying to find out what this fifth pekin is. But with all of the others chattering away so much, it's really hard to tell.

My nephew will love the fact that the one he named "Mustang" is a male, though. And I'm fairly certain about that one. Just not this last one...
Question about the quacking...

Is it possible for a female to have the hoarse whisper with an occasional quack? I'm trying to find out what this fifth pekin is. But with all of the others chattering away so much, it's really hard to tell.

My nephew will love the fact that the one he named "Mustang" is a male, though. And I'm fairly certain about that one. Just not this last one...
A male, as far as I know, can't muster up a quack. They are usually very very quiet. Females seem to have a strange little chatter that they do constantly that sounds like a quiet little honk, only quacking when excited.
OH my god I SUCK at hatching chicks. I will NEVER understand it lol. Day 21 and nothing. Now I know that doesn't mean nothing WILL happen, but this is my third (?) time trying chicks and I have yet to get ANY action on day 21, if any at all. :( Hmph!!

Not so much as an internal pip and I don't think any of my four Papa's Brahmas are alive anymore. :( And I barely touched these the whole time except when I was supposed to.
OH my god I SUCK at hatching chicks. I will NEVER understand it lol. Day 21 and nothing. Now I know that doesn't mean nothing WILL happen, but this is my third (?) time trying chicks and I have yet to get ANY action on day 21, if any at all.

Not so much as an internal pip and I don't think any of my four Papa's Brahmas are alive anymore.
And I barely touched these the whole time except when I was supposed to.

There are a lot of reasons for a bad hatch. I don't know what kind of incubator you use, but I had a hard time hatching chicks at first with a little giant still-air incubator until I added a small computer fan and started using sponges to up my humidity. You should never give up. Maybe the roos weren't getting the job done?

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