The Sweetgrass eggs have been 3 for 6 since pretty much the beginning (shipped eggs) and the Narragansett eggs from zoo are 5 for 6. Only one that isn't going from that bunch was cracked.

I just know my hatch rates seem to be fricking awesome. Remember, Miracle, Hope, and Wonder had this same issue. I left their incubator open a couple of times, and their humidity was super-low (16 anyone?), plus they arrived with detached air cells, but they still hatched. And as much as I'm abusing these turkey eggs, they're still hatching too.

My issue seems to be keeping the birds once I move them OUTSIDE (unless it's McMurray chicks, then they die in the brooder before ever seeing the light of day). But hatch rate is well above normal for me!
Hey everyone, I am having a huge family reunion at the end of July/first weekend of Aug. all my sisters, kids, grand kids and cousins are coming. I want to do a fun hatch while they are here. I am looking for eggs. Still would like some Silkies, polish, BLRW, and Showgirls. Would anyone have any of these hatching eggs available before set date of July 12? Only looking for like 6 of each kind. Let me know if you know where I could get some of these eggs. Thanks!
this was a broiler/meat bird. He wouldn't have made it much longer, they are hybrids bred to get big fast. Lots of problems of you try to keep them as pets/layers
Yes I purchased 4 Cornish rocks on my first trip to tractor supply. The roosters grew out allot faster than the hens have. Trying to knock off all the roosters in the flock before I start with the hens. I have read where a few folks have raised Cornishs with the other breeds with luck so i might roll the dice on the two that are left.
I cannot believe this place has gone 10 and a half hours without a post. Was there a mass alien abduction or something?

The internet was out everywhere in Gilmer Co. from Sunday evening until today. I wonder if I'll get any kind of refund since they cut off my service if I am a day late paying the bill.
I took this picture of my big daddy Rhodebar Saturday while him an his girls were mowing the lawn and removing pesky ticks from the property. I had to share this pic, because it's the best one I have ever taken of him. His name is Zaxby, and there are some folks on this thread who have taken some of his offspring to their home. Enjoy!

I took this picture of my big daddy Rhodebar Saturday while him an his girls were mowing the lawn and removing pesky ticks from the property. I had to share this pic, because it's the best one I have ever taken of him. His name is Zaxby, and there are some folks on this thread who have taken some of his offspring to their home. Enjoy!

Wow. Beautiful.. Can't wait to get some of those eggs!
Well they don't call em runners cause they have the sniffles...
That's for sure. My Khaki trio was a group of calm little angels compared to these two! All they want to do is run in circles and shove their beaks in peoples noses. They have yet to grasp the concept that noses are not alternative food sources.
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