I would be careful to think that this type of pen would keep out large predators. The holes are too big to keep out small possums or raccoons and a dog or coyote could easily dig under. I would suggest you use hardware cloth and plant the wire down into the earth at least 8-12". If you don't have large predators, this may work fine. We have bears, coyotes, etc here. I would also recommend a more sturdy top. What happens to the tarp when it rains? Will it sag?
I agree. It just seems too flimsy to me. I would definitely bury the wire in the earth at least 6-8". We have bears and coyotes and possums and who knows what else here and they would definitely get in that, oh and snakes that climb fences. She cut a hole in the tarp so the rain will get through, but when you have a torrential downpour like we had yesterday, the water won't drain fast enough and your enclosure may collapse. Have you thought about metal roofing?
I agree. It just seems too flimsy to me. I would definitely bury the wire in the earth at least 6-8". We have bears and coyotes and possums and who knows what else here and they would definitely get in that, oh and snakes that climb fences. She cut a hole in the tarp so the rain will get through, but when you have a torrential downpour like we had yesterday, the water won't drain fast enough and your enclosure may collapse. Have you thought about metal roofing?
This little pig made his coop with hurricanes in mind ;) Concrete, 4x4s, and screws.
CD, I hope your new enclosures will work well for you! We all have to go with what we're comfy with.. Many people would be uncomfy with my plain ol' chicken wire coop, but so far so good for me; I just don't seem to have any predators here interested in breaking into my particular brand of shelter.. :idunno / *knockonwood

Day 24. Still no babies. They are still moving though and one appears to be pressing on the air sac.. I just can't bring myself to toss them as long as they are active. :/ Oh well.

I DID however eggtopsy four that I knew were gone.. One was fairly full term as far as I could tell.. Others were feathered but much smaller and less developed (maybe half the size).. I'm convinced I killed those with my rearrangement for lockdown.

I did, however, do a little test on the last egg I broke open (broke into air end on all just in case one was still alive).. I made a hole and watched the membrane.. It took 30 seconds to harden and turn white, so very fast! Really puts a picture with the importance of keeping bator closed once external pips are going.
Well, I may have figured out why my egg count has been so low....may have an egg eater. Yesterday I noticed one of my youngsters popping in and out of the nests in all three different locations. I watched her and she would just jump up, look around and then leave and go to the next group of nests. Then, later on that same day, I found some egg yoke smeared on one of the ramps to the nest boxes. So, I took that young hen and put her in a crate in the garage. Today I am already up to 14 eggs, whereas I had only been getting 9 - 11. One day I only had 6! This is out of 20 who should be laying right now. So, I will keep the hen locked up for a couple of more days to see if I keep getting more eggs. I guess this one will have to go if she is the trouble maker.
Yeah I got to looking at the brinsea brand yesterday. I think I am sold on the Mini advanced incubator. Might be an early Christmas present this fall after everyone starts laying and the weather cools off.
Well, I have at least one egg wiggling around now.. Here's hoping IF it hatches, it won't be the only one!

With these guys being so late, it really sounds like your temperature is off. I was relying on messed up thermometers for a while, and had no idea my temperature was almost 10 degrees too cold until I bought a new one. These days, whether or not an egg is late depends on which incubator it was in - the ones in my closet are okay. The one in my actual room tends to steadily drop temperature over time. I feel like I'm turning it up quite a bit every weekend.

So I would really look into getting a new thermometer, or finding a more reliable one.
I totally agree BUT...

Honey I've had more thermometers than I can count. :lau I've had mercury, digital, spike.. At the moment I have the one that came with the bator right beside the one from WalMart y'all suggested. Both mercury.. Both between 101-102 degrees.

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