Okay peeps. Keep us in your thoughts, prayers, etc. We put in a bid on an awesome property last week. The listing agent tried to get us to make a larger offer but the owners have done zero upkeep on the fences and out buildings and the current renters of the house would not allow us to look inside. Really? But I soooo want this place. It's absolutely perfect for what I want to do. So just keep us in mind please.

Isn't it standard that landlords with notice can show potential owners homes and the renters have to let them?
   Isn't it standard that landlords with notice can show potential owners homes and the renters have to let them? 

That's what I thought. But, the listing agent or owner doesn't have a good number for the tenants. And when the woman came to the door, I could barely see in the entryway and between the little I could see inside and the way the woman looked, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have taken my kids or my granddad inside any way.
OMG! My daughter just told me she ordered 20 eggs plus whatever extras they send for our family reunion hatch! I was floored. She had not asked me how many I had already ordered from other sources! I have 12 coming from Rocky Rhodes, 6 + Naked Necks from DDD and 6 from another lady, plus my duck eggs! How will they all fit in my 40 egg incubator? I guess I will have to double up and then candle at day 10 and after discarding any no goes, there will be room??? If not, I will have to get my friend to fire up her incubator and take some of the eggs!

I asked my daughter why she ordered so many and she said that the shipping was free if you ordered 20 eggs, so she thought the price for the 13 I had talked to her about was about the same with shipping as the 20 eggs without shipping. So, ok, that is a good deal, but where am I going to put them all! LOL! And what will I do with all those chicks???? (many breeds if you guys are interested in some chicks!)
OMG! I just got a call from my daughter in Florida. She had scheduled a trip to Alaska for her family and a few of my other kids. I had wanted to go soooo bad. That was always a dream of mine....to go to Alaska. They scheduled bear watching trips and all sorts of other great excursions. I was really sad that my grandchildren and daughters were going to make these great memories without me. Anyway, they have all gotten together and are paying my way to go with them!!!!! I am soooooo excited! There is only one problem, it is during the week that all my hatching eggs are coming and need to go into the incubator! My husband has agreed to put them in the bator for me and to hold down the rental house for me so I can go! Can't believe I am going to Alaska!

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