I live in N GA, but I have family members who live in Bainbridge - western side of the state, but I get the "Gnat Line" references.  Gnats drive me INSANE. How do you guys cope? Even insect repellent doesn't stop them! I'd love some advice for when I go visiting there.

They can be annoying at times, it seems the harder you try to get rid of them, the more come around. I just try to ignore them. They are NOT as bad as Moquitoes. I've wore long sleeves and pants outside during the summer while feeding the chickens, just to try to keep the, from biting me. Of course you get so sweating, you have to take a shower after. :rolleyes:
Too funny hstl....I agree no matter HOW you spell it! The southern part of GA is charming and beautiful, but if I had to live down there, I think I'd have to have something like a bee-keeper's hat and suit in the summer!
They sell hats at Wallmart with mesh mosquito net the zips around your head. I got my son one for his Christmas Stocking (yep, still gets a stocking at 20).
Now that's funny! I'm so getting one of those hats when I go down there next time! And my daughter is 30, and she still gets a stocking, too. I did give up buying her an Easter basket though...I'm letting go sloooowly....
And to continue the spirit of keeping this about chickens, she likes marshmallow peeps.
The bugs in the LowCountry are beyond awful. I too just spray with DEET & try to ignore them. It's hard when gnats are buzzing in your ears!

The black and white striped Mosquitos around here are actually painful when they bite. :(
Most of my are named after food. Barley, Tofu, Coconut, Candy, Butterbean, Sage, Cupcake, etc.
I am a chef after all

Ours are mostly named for some sort of trait:

Meaty (our NH that as a chick was very hefty), Sofa (lays around), Damien (a hen we thought was a roo), Cujo (decrowed tiny Serama roo), Serama hens Squirrely, Webster, Houdini,
OEGB hens Dora (the explorer), Trouble, Red Sonja, Dumpty (RIP Humpty), 2 MFDs Snowshoes and Naked Neck (unexplained naked strip of feathers on her neck), Modern Game Hens Sprite and Seven Up, EEs Maggie and Bandit, and tween chicks: serama cockerel Uno, serama pullet Doue, MFD/Serama mix Ninja Chicken (she is an incredible huntress), and chicks Dale and 2 as of yet unnamed chicks that hatched yesterday!

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