My Doberlady is SUCH a good girl. She stays on the screened porch during the day while we work. Hubby says when he got home today one of the Brahma kids had jumped ship and was hanging out on the porch with her.. Not a feather out of place.
She's such a pain sometimes but then she shows how good she really is..

My DH said no more babies for a while, but he forgot to tell the chickens
, my banty mom who just raised 5 is broody again and she thinks she is hiding but I know where she is and I have not looked to see how many she is sitting on but babies are on the way!!!!
here I am, all alone. Back here again. Having a normal for me night, which means not sleeping/resting. and where are all of you? sleeping and resting.

So being a typical man and not able to entertain myself for long periods of time, or short periods of time either if I'm gonna be honest about it, I've been wandering around backyardchickens.com. Reading other threads, posting help where I can, and as I was reading through one particularly boring thread put up by a newbie who obviously hasn't read ANYTHING in the learning center, I realized why I stopped going other places than here.......I even dropped out of the snobby breed specific threads I was in because .............

well nevermind..............

I think I'll just go back to bed and try to imagine getting up in the morning and finding my first blue eggs in the nest boxes.........
IMO, this just happens from time to time. Could be stress, could just be the hen just slowed down the egg at the end and the color coating was distributed funny. Here was one of mine. Some days, her egg is solid olive green, some days it is speckled to where it looks like pepper was sprinkled over the olive coloring.

Thank you, Flowerbh and carcar80. I won't worry about the color anymore. It is so great to have people around to help and encourage those of us who aren't as experienced.

Your Doberlady is very pretty. I have a Doberlady also, Cheyenne. Sweetest and smartest dog I have ever owned. I am not suggesting that your dog would ever do this, but I just want to share my experience with my Dobie, and possibly any dog that is not specifically trained to protect the chickens.
Cheyenne never bothered my chickens when I was around, and the chickens never acted afraid of her. However, 1 of my Black Australorps was missing. Cheyenne brings her to me while I was at the barn. I, in my naive state, thought she found her and wanted to give her back to me. Then, one of my EO's was limping back to the barn, I checked her and she had been attacked, possibly a coyote? Not my Cheyenne! But after Maria healed and I let her back out in the yard, I was in the house and Cheyenne had stayed out longer than usual. Yep, I went looking for her. I heard Maria, and actually saw Cheyenne killing her. So no chickens out when I am not with Cheyenne and I can keep an eye on them. At first I was sooo mad, but to kill the chickens was just a natural instinct and I guess Cheyenne was acting normally. All of this just to say, your Doberlady may never hurt a fly, but be on guard.


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