Papa it does sound like your AM is broody. But wait her out several days before giving eggs and then I would just give some you won't be sad if she leaves them. My biggest issue with a new broody has been nest hopping. I'd give her eggs and she would sit, but next day would be on another nest, eggs still in the original one.

Also, if she DOES sit you'll have to mark what you give her and check daily to remove what others may have given her as well, lol.

My last new broody problem was, once she had the babies, it did take her a couple of bonding days to begin protecting the babies. I lost a couple before that because one of the roosters would come into the coop and rough them up. I blocked her and the chicks in alone an once she was ready she broke out and went about raising the babies. :)

Good luck! I must admit I had a fleeting thought yesterday about HOPING my AM don't go broody. I don't need more broodies!! :/
Papa it does sound like your AM is broody. But wait her out several days before giving eggs and then I would just give some you won't be sad if she leaves them. My biggest issue with a new broody has been nest hopping. I'd give her eggs and she would sit, but next day would be on another nest, eggs still in the original one.

Also, if she DOES sit you'll have to mark what you give her and check daily to remove what others may have given her as well, lol.

My last new broody problem was, once she had the babies, it did take her a couple of bonding days to begin protecting the babies. I lost a couple before that because one of the roosters would come into the coop and rough them up. I blocked her and the chicks in alone an once she was ready she broke out and went about raising the babies.

Good luck! I must admit I had a fleeting thought yesterday about HOPING my AM don't go broody. I don't need more broodies!!
I went back out there twice more last night and checked before I went to bed. She was indeed still on the nest but with no eggs. I finally chased her out of the nest and made her go on the roost, then I waited a while to see if she stayed or went back to the nest. She did stay on the roost.

Heard some cackling out there a bit ago and went down to see if there was any blue eggs, or if she's back on the nest. There was an AM on the nest, but not sure if it's her or not, 3 of my 4 look identical from the back. I'll give it a while and go back and check again later.

thanks ma'am! if she goes broody, well that will be ok, I'll leave her with a few and then divide them out separate when they hatch
I think I'll title this one "HURRY UP"

the leghorn and one of the australorps trying to get in the nest at the same time. The nest all the way on the right is empty, and notice the broody AM in the middle nest (which has no eggs in it) looking at them!

Yes, she's broody. I took a brown egg out from under her this morning, LOL there's already been one of the others laid in that nest, and now the two are trying to get in at the same time. Hilarious.........I'm going to give her 3 or 4 eggs tomorrow just to see if she's 'serious'
Sorry that I haven't posted in a while! I've been juggling school and soccer so I have limited free time. I still have two silver duckwing OEGB cockerels. I'm hoping to find them a home soon!

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