Had a scare a minute ago. Went to put my 12 week olds up and couldn't find them. They are usually waiting at the door ready to go to their roosts. Found one huddled by the door, three huddled around the other side of the house, but couldn't find the other two! I looked by the big girls coop and found feathers all over. I was sick. They looked like they belonged to my blue Naked neck. But as I was looking for the other chick, my NN came running out of the woods all in one piece. So whose feathers were those because the other chick that was missing was a buff frizzle. Anyway, after about an hour search, she showed up at the door....thank goodness. And all those feathers???? well the only thing we can figure out is that they came from my big EE hen. I think since my rooster died a few months back, my RIR hen has been acting the rooster and we have seen her riding the hens! I don't think my EE liked any part of that! hahah.. anyway, everyone is ok and all are where they are suppose to be. Can't wait until my 12 week old roo gets over and gets these girls in line!
Welcome! I live in Dawsonville. I would love to talk chicken! PM me with contact info. I have a friend new to chickens, too. She has to go to Athens to visit her mom a lot. Maybe we could all go have lunch and talk chicken! I have 16 of my friends eggs in my incubator. Hope all comes out ok! What kind of chickens do you have?
Hi! I am in Cumming, not very far from you at all!
Hello! We are getting ready to go buy more feed and just wanted to know what you all feed your flock. Our feed store has a house blend that they make and its price ok but they weren't lay all that much so I tried pride and pleasure layer pellets. It was cheaper but they didn't seem to like it at first but of course eat it now. So just wanted to get a feel of what else is out there.
I tried that pellet kind once. My girls wouldn't eat any of it! I ended up haveing to put the entire 50 lb. bag thru my food processor! No fun! So now, I stick with crumble. I get whatever is one sale. They free range all day and really don't eat that much of the processed stuff anyway.
I tried that pellet kind once. My girls wouldn't eat any of it! I ended up haveing to put the entire 50 lb. bag thru my food processor! No fun! So now, I stick with crumble. I get whatever is one sale. They free range all day and really don't eat that much of the processed stuff anyway.
I wish we could let them free range all the time, but we have our garden in so they would just eat that. We have a tunnel runner that we put them in in the front yard so that they can get around and have some green stuff to scratch at. One day we will have our farm and they can free range all the time. I just got the 9 way scratch that they sell at our feed store. I a sure they will be happy with that.

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