Bruce, So sorry about your Big Boy. We felt the same way about our Big Beau! You will lay awake at night and try to re-write what happened and will hope it is all a bad dream!
Was there someone on this thread who did mushroom logs?

I went and plugged the logs at TabascoJacks it was a very nice day, and if you have allergies take pills and wear a mask, I didn't and suffered later!!!
I had to console my wife this morning for quite awhile. Her favorite chicken, a Buff Orpington named Big Boy, she found dead in the pen. We have no clue as to why he died. He was young; no predator had attacked him; and, he seemed otherwise very healthy. What she loved about that bird is that even as a small chick, he loved her to hold him, and he always wanted to be near her: hopping into her lap, wanted to be petted, and going off to sleep. She could take him anywhere, and he would always stay with her. They had a special relationship.

Anyway, I had to bury Big Boy this morning. I buried him by my wife's favorite rose bush.

I'm so sorry to see of your loss, send hugs to your wife. I still think of my "John Boy" he was great
My first foray into ducks hit a milestone. I ordered call duck hatching eggs from the auction on here and the first one has started hatching! Wasn't expecting it for a few more days. I was opening it up to turn the eggs and heard the duckling. On closer inspection, saw the chipped egg. No more turning!

Don't forget pics!!
Anyone part of the new Peachstate Poultry Association? https://www.facebook.com/peachstatepoultryassociation/ I'm going to the picnic on Saturday and was wondering if any BYC members would be there.
News to me, but I will have to join!!! thanks for posting the info, can't go for this event but keep us updated on future events
Is it ok to feed my girls starter feed even after they start laying?
Once pullets start laying, they need more calcium and less protein, so switching them to layer pellets is better. Some people will supplement that with oyster shell. I make crushed eggshell available.

My girls will take starter over layer pellets if given the choice.
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Is it ok to feed my girls starter feed even after they start laying?

Once pullets start laying, they need more calcium and less protein, so switching them to layer pellets is better. Some people will supplement that with oyster shell. I make crushed eggshell available.

My girls will take starter over layer pellets if given the choice.

Ok thx. I give mine egg shells as well
Some folks always feed a grower feed and supplement with calcium because they only have to keep one feed on hand and everyone can have it. I've always done the starter/grower combination feed until they go on layer feed. Some eat their supplemental calcium well and some don't touch it much so it's probably better to have the calcium in the feed, or would seem so to me.
Nope. I don't join anything, especially to do with poultry. It's a miracle I'm part of BYC, LOL. Not a joiner here.

C'mon, Cyn. You know you love being a part of BYC...lol!

As for poultry clubs, if someone wants to show poultry, the clubs are good to join because he/she can learn from experienced breeders and also make some great contacts for acquiring quality chickens. One of my breeder friends want me to join his club. I'm considering it, but I don't want to join just to join. I want to make sure that the club is active and beneficial.

Another good thing about many poultry clubs is that they can help steer newbies away from the predatory boutique farms that market expensive chicks and hatching eggs. Quite often the stocks from those farms produce birds that aren't even close to the SOPs.
C'mon, Cyn. You know you love being a part of BYC...lol!

As for poultry clubs, if someone wants to show poultry, the clubs are good to join because he/she can learn from experienced breeders and also make some great contacts for acquiring quality chickens. One of my breeder friends want me to join his club. I'm considering it, but I don't want to join just to join. I want to make sure that the club is active and beneficial.

Another good thing about many poultry clubs is that they can help steer newbies away from the predatory boutique farms that market expensive chicks and hatching eggs. Quite often the stocks from those farms produce birds that aren't even close to the SOPs.
Well, I do my part to steer folks away from birds that are stupidly overpriced. I mean, whatever it is, it's still a chicken, right? Those boutique hatcheries are often not what their slick websites imply they are. They promote fads, plain and simple.But, then, as far as the SOP, hatcheries don't care much about that, either, of course, but at least, their prices are more in line with the product.

I don't show nor have any interest in showing because that requires gov't interference in my barnyard (NPIP, to which I am actually opposed for backyard people). And someone I know recently lost birds from the handling they received from the tester, valuable birds. I believe that they are responsible for tracking disease, regardless of the protocols they are supposed to follow for disinfecting as they travel around. They're human beings and I don't trust them to be perfect every day, day in and day out, in that regard. But, you're going to get me started, stop it, Bruce! LOL.

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