I was asking about some places to buy chickens at in Middle Ga a week or so ago and wanted to update you fellow Georgians. I decided to go to Orchid Hills and check out the Svart Honas. Every bird I saw was healthy and beautiful. Customer service was amazing. Would definitely recommend these super nice people to anyone looking for good quality birds. Oh and I'm the proud owner of 4 Svart Honas now!!!
Welcome and please give info on them, I may need to make a trip someday.
So what is the difference between a showgirl and a silky NN? Of is a silky NN a showgirl?
They're one in the same. Ideal Showgirls will have all of the Silkie features though, such as black skin, five toes on each foot, poofy unhooked feathers, etc.

Lisa loves her Silkies, but I never thought we would have Showgirls because Lisa doesn't care for Turkens at all. However, she has absolutely fallen in love with this cute pair of Showgirls. :love
Welcome and please give info on them, I may need to make a trip someday.

@katsdar im so glad to hear others happy with them. I hope the Biels are happy. I have choc orps, isbars & CL incubating from OH. They have a really nice place & although egg fertility has not been 100% they have been awesome to deal with. The Bielefelders & CL I gave you are from them.
opinions please...My 2 BO's are 22 weeks, Lucy is the largest, she is the one who is about to start laying. my sex links are 18 weeks, and barred rocks are 16 weeks. they are all larger than Sally, the other BO. She seems healthy, im just trying to figure out why she is so small. any ideas???
Hi Missy! Some chickens will be smaller/larger than others even though they are from the same breed and hatch. Nothing is wrong with the smaller ones. They just are smaller. For example, one of my FBCM pullets is much smaller than the others, yet she came from the same lines and was fed the same feed. In fact, for a small bird, she is a big eater. She is super healthy, so I'm not worried about her. Unless you see a health issue, just continue doing what you're doing. How's your coop is coming along?
Did anyone hatch any of my eggs that were frizzles?
Not that I can tell yet, but I have my fingers crossed!
And wouldn't you know it, this is the third time I've hatched eggs from you and all but one did hatch this time and STILL no NNs! I swear my darling fiance must have a hand in this somehow.... Oh well, maybe next year. :)
Hi Missy! Some chickens will be smaller/larger than others even though they are from the same breed and hatch. Nothing is wrong with the smaller ones. They just are smaller. For example, one of my FBCM pullets is much smaller than the others, yet she came from the same lines and was fed the same feed. In fact, for a small bird, she is a big eater. She is super healthy, so I'm not worried about her. Unless you see a health issue, just continue doing what you're doing. How's your coop is coming along?
With the rain it's been going slow, but somewhat steady..I'm going to try and get the windows done, covered so rain won't do anymore damage, then I'll start on the floors, and patch the roof, believe it or not, there is only one small spot where it's leaking, I think it's where a light fixture was.
Hi Missy! Some chickens will be smaller/larger than others even though they are from the same breed and hatch. Nothing is wrong with the smaller ones. They just are smaller. For example, one of my FBCM pullets is much smaller than the others, yet she came from the same lines and was fed the same feed. In fact, for a small bird, she is a big eater. She is super healthy, so I'm not worried about her. Unless you see a health issue, just continue doing what you're doing. How's your coop is coming along?

Chickens that are about to lay will get what is called 'red faced'. Their wattles and combs grow and turn red. Then you will notice that when you go to pet them or pick them up, they will squat. It's a submissive thing. Once they squat, you have 7-10 days before they start laying.

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