Ok I'm done with all this rain!! :barnieAlmost have the floor done in the new coop. would have had the windows done last night if KB wouldn't have been testy about me working on the coop late:he...I've been getting grief because I'm, self admittedly, over doing it. But knowing I probably will have to have surgery again soon, I want this coop done! So now its suppose to rain the rest of the freaking week, so there goes that!
Seriously stressed out lately, just found out last night that my youngest son's girlfriend is pregnant:th...I am not happy about this!:mad:...Long story. Anywho...if its raining your way, stay dry, and everyone have a good day!
Ok I'm done with all this rain!! :barnieAlmost have the floor done in the new coop. would have had the windows done last night if KB wouldn't have been testy about me working on the coop late:he...I've been getting grief because I'm, self admittedly, over doing it. But knowing I probably will have to have surgery again soon, I want this coop done! So now its suppose to rain the rest of the freaking week, so there goes that!
Seriously stressed out lately, just found out last night that my youngest son's girlfriend is pregnant:th...I am not happy about this!:mad:...Long story. Anywho...if its raining your way, stay dry, and everyone have a good day!

First of all, I did not know you had human babies! They're fun, huh?!?:thYou sound like you are really in the thick of it---and if you are at all like me, the rain, humidity and gray sky DOES NOTHING to improve my mood. M gets a little tired of me chicken-ing here and there. I keep trying to make one really good thing in the kitchen to keep him distracted from my egg obsession. :lau But, cleaning up dishes realize that the pot I cooked in last night has a rooster for a handle!!
What to say about a long story pregnancy? *sigh* If you ever need an ear, just PM me. Sometimes I feel like I've either heard it all or lived it all!!! :hugsHang in there! The sun has to come out!!!!
First of all, I did not know you had human babies! They're fun, huh?!?:thYou sound like you are really in the thick of it---and if you are at all like me, the rain, humidity and gray sky DOES NOTHING to improve my mood. M gets a little tired of me chicken-ing here and there. I keep trying to make one really good thing in the kitchen to keep him distracted from my egg obsession. :lau But, cleaning up dishes realize that the pot I cooked in last night has a rooster for a handle!!
What to say about a long story pregnancy? *sigh* If you ever need an ear, just PM me. Sometimes I feel like I've either heard it all or lived it all!!! :hugsHang in there! The sun has to come out!!!!

Oh I love my chickens and fur babies way more than my humans...LOL j/k...sorta! lol I have 3, 30yrs, 21yrs and 18yrs, 2 boys one girl. All a pain in my a@$. anyway, no, the rain does nothing to improve my mood at all, but hey maybe ill get the pantry cleaned out while i figure out how to respond to the whole prego deal!
I thought I would share some of the chicks that hatched with y'all! These are my "keepers", we're still thinking up names for most of them so suggestions are welcome!

These two are 1/2 buff polish, 1/4 Brahma, 1/4 EE. Fingers crossed for big crests and colored eggs!
IMAG2953.jpg IMAG2952.jpg
This is from Lady Who's tiny hen, we named her Popcorn!
No clue where this cutie came from for sure, but I'm HOPING she's from Flowers' OE. She matches the chick that was in the other eggtopsied olive egg.
Another mystery cutie! Super fluffy, she has a big beard and super feathery feet!
No clue on this one either, but she sure is cute, right? I can't wait to see what her colors end up as!
This chick is from the hen in my icon, Batman! She's 1/2 mystery bantam, 1/4 Brahma, 1/4 EE
Another mystery chick! SUCH a sweet little face, too. I bet this one's going to be PRETTY!
Oh I love my chickens and fur babies way more than my humans...LOL j/k...sorta! lol I have 3, 30yrs, 21yrs and 18yrs, 2 boys one girl. All a pain in my a@$. anyway, no, the rain does nothing to improve my mood at all, but hey maybe ill get the pantry cleaned out while i figure out how to respond to the whole prego deal!
All I'm going to say is that I thought you were about 35!
Price of a carton of a dozen large eggs at Aldi today: 49¢
Price of one empty 12-count egg carton at TSC today: 49¢
Go figure. :confused:

Buy the Aldi eggs, scramble them and give them to your chickens for protein or throw them in your compost pile, use the cartons. :) Win, win.

Unless you don't want your chickens eating the junk that's in commercial eggs just like we don't want to, then compost them.

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