My grow outs are growing up. Here's some pics of the chickens from the egg swap. I need to rehome the roos if someone wants them. And I want to sell the black female and the red (I think female?) with the funky hairdo. I have a red frizzle cochin pullet too that needs to go. I'm keeping a white frizzle cockerel and I heard mixing two frizzles is bad. She's pretty, but she's missing the feathers on her legs. PM if interested.

So, this cockerel, the black pullet, the silver (or blue) pullet, and the red maybe pullet are all from the egg swap. They are some good looking birds. The red one has blue legs. Does that mean it'll lay colored eggs?


See, this one has a bit of a comb and wattle, but not very big or red. So I'm just not sure whether it is a male or female. It's a cool looking bird.

I'm keeping these two blue ladies. They are just too pretty! I'm going to add them to my egg laying flock when they are bigger. The one in the corner has fluffy legs.

Here's a mix of the birds. All the non-silkie/showgirls are from the egg swap. Two roos and maybe 4 ladies. The black lady has such a lovely green tint to her feathers. There's my super ugly showgirl rooster too. I need to figure out how to castrate him or something. I kinda like him, but I definitely don't want him breeding. And one of my young silkies named Copper. Waiting on her to lay. :p

I have this little frizzle cochin whom I can't keep. She's pretty, except for the missing leg feathers that she is supposed to have. I just like the frizzled boy better.
Just wanted to update everyone on some tentative processing opportunities. Due to the family schedule I'll have to do these next 2 on a Friday.
Rabbits - October 6
Quail - October 13
You're welcome to come learn how to do it.
Bruce, the ACs are doing great! Since their combs are black, it will probably take forever to figure out the males from the females! I have potential buyers for the one I don't keep, but will hold on to them until I know what they are!
I sold Smoky to a guy who bought one of my Blue Partridge Brahma roosters. I was glad he wanted him. He has a nice set up and his chickens look great! I felt very comfortable about it.
I'm sorry about your property thing not working out. Especially after selling all your beautiful birds!
I'm sure you will have fun next spring getting exactly the chickens you want!
Hey. Welcome to our group. I always wonder about how people choose their names, dirtyrascalmark! Lol! What kind of chickens do you have?
Hey Flowerbh. No chickens yet, but I'm thinking about a few bantams (maybe Dominiquers) when I get the coop done.
Dirty Rascal is what I call my dog when he's acting up. :)
Ok "sigh" nobody allowed in ,nobody allowed out. My bantum flock has come down with the ugly Pox. ,,AHhhhhhh!.. I separated them all last night while I could get to them. The ones m the refters had to be put in the dog crates so that I know everyone could be treated. I half to let it run its course. The Silkies don't have it since they are way on the other side of the yard and in separate coop. We had such a fly and misquitoe problem this summer I'm sure that's how they ended up with it. It is the dry Fowl Pox and have to make sure no one gets secondary infections from it. Any ideas would be appreciated for there comfort. Thanks in advance.


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