I'm hoping it doesn't knock abmaddox's power out, either. But she isn't active on here, so I'm worried...

Y'all are still posting, so I'm not worried about you all, YET!
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I'm hoping it doesn't knock abmaddox's power out, either. But she isn't active on here, so I'm worried...

Y'all are still posting, so I'm not worried about you all, YET!

It's been crazy here! Today is my dd's birthday (12) so I had to go eat lunch at the school. Blech. Then I went to give blood. Yeah. Never gave blood before and I have felt like crap since. In between all of that, I had to move the NYD chicks out of the tractor/grow out pen. My mother was helping me and she tripped, dropped the chicks and the stupid *expletive expletive expletive * dog got one. He's not vicious about it, he's still puppy age, the problem is his size. (Think Great Dane). He just likes to make them squeek. Ugh. Needless to say, I rescued the chick after about 15 minutes. She was fine, covered in div slobber and petrified, but fine. After I get the dog tied out, catch the rest of the chicks and get them situated I decided to move the turkey from quarantine. Just no. Keep in mind the "quarantine pen" is a 3'x8' enclosure I built for controlled breeding. I'm 5'10 and not exactly skinny. After the 4th time the Turkey nearly broke my face, I gave up and put hay in with her (it, still not sure on gender) and covered the entire thing with a tarp. Which took for freaking ever because the stupid tarp kept catching on the roofing material, the chicken wire, the frame.....at this point, I'm convince that the dog, the turkey and the tarp all conspired to kill me. Then I realized I was covered from neck to boots with mud, chicken poo, turkey poo and hay. I'm pretty sure my hoodie will forever smell of wet dog and fowl (foul) poo. Oh, and the grits, rice, barley, veggie and tuna mash the birds got? Yeah. A good sized amount got spills and went IN MY BOOTS!!! Really? In retrospect, it's hilarious. At the time? I wanted to murder every animal ony property down to the moles.
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Get to the point. How was your day?
Glad you're okay and that your hatching eggs are okay, though!

By the way, just received word that the escaped prisoner was caught right about an hour ago on I-75 around Mile-marker 195. FOURTEEN HOURS, and the guy walked 6 miles....

Along a major interstate....

BUT he's back in custody. So we're safe.

Not like I think we were really in danger if he spent that long going only 6 miles and he was dumb enough to go along the interstate. Stupid much?
Glad you're okay and that your hatching eggs are okay, though!

By the way, just received word that the escaped prisoner was caught right about an hour ago on I-75 around Mile-marker 195. FOURTEEN HOURS, and the guy walked 6 miles....

Along a major interstate....

BUT he's back in custody. So we're safe.

Not like I think we were really in danger if he spent that long going only 6 miles and he was dumb enough to go along the interstate. Stupid much?

That's usually what they do. My dad worked for the GDC for over 20yrs and we lived in the neighborhood there on the orison property and they never ever came through there. Always the interstate. But if they were smart they wouldn't have been in prison in the first place.
Hello all! I've been on BYC for a while but I'm not a big poster...more the lurking type. I live about 15 minutes south of the Atlanta airport in Tyrone and have 21 chickens. I currently have Silkies and LF Cochins and I want to broaden my flock. I am looking for young sizzles and will be attending the Newnan, GA chicken show this coming weekend. Will any of you be attending and bringing sizzles to sell? If so, I'd love to correspond with you over the next few days and hopefully make arrangements for a sale. If not, any information on where to get birds is greatly appreciated! Would really love some laced or penciled varieties but am open to anything. Thanks in advance for your help!
Hello all! I've been on BYC for a while but I'm not a big poster...more the lurking type. I live about 15 minutes south of the Atlanta airport in Tyrone and have 21 chickens. I currently have Silkies and LF Cochins and I want to broaden my flock. I am looking for young sizzles and will be attending the Newnan, GA chicken show this coming weekend. Will any of you be attending and bringing sizzles to sell? If so, I'd love to correspond with you over the next few days and hopefully make arrangements for a sale. If not, any information on where to get birds is greatly appreciated! Would really love some laced or penciled varieties but am open to anything. Thanks in advance for your help!

I will be attending! But I won't have any sizzles. See you there though!

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