Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. I ended up with 12 fuzzy butts out of 19 eggs! They are so cute. I did have a rough day Saturday- one chick came out with his gut out and another was stuck in the egg and started bleeding bad when I tried to help. I had to cull and it broke my heart. I saw after the fact that the stuck one also had his gut out. Not sure what went wrong to cause that. The rest never pipped and was dead in the shell.
OohLaLa- do you still have Pereus waking you every morning? My husband complained about my 2 because they start at 4:10 every morning but we have both gotten used to it. Hopefully your (well hubbies) roo won't be the guest of a Sunday dinner!
Good Morning and congrats on the large hatch. So sorry about the poor little one you had to cull, I know how it hurts.
Yes Hubbies Roo is still loud and proud and hopping on anything moving trying to mate. He even gave me a funny eye and we had to have a heart to heart. Now let's add to that my little silky mix is trying to crow and jumped on top of my poor little "special" silkie (that I constantly find on her back feet to the sky while everyone steps on her, once I flip her over she waddles off with an ack ack).
Its so silent around here! Where is everyone?

Not much going on around my little farm. Finally finished putting up plastic on the big coop so just have to install the light today and it will be ready for winter. The little coop still needs plastic but no light since they are not laying age yet and the coop stays warm so no need for it.

The seramas are growing so fast! They are changing colors every day! Ill be doing a '2 week old ' photo shoot today or tomorrow so ill post pics then.

And my mom got to see chicken math in action Monday! We went to flowerbh's to pick up chicks (they are so cute! She has more and I highly recommend them *hinthintnudgenudge*) I originally only wanted 3 to replace the one young cockerel I got rid off (my soft heart brought the second one back home) buying changed my mind for 4 on the drive There. When we got there I picked out three EE's (named Turtle, Lola, and Leah.) And a drizzle naked neck (named Electra). Then flower was like 'you reaaaally want one of the boys' which I didn't need another boy cause I have a roo for each flock already but then I fell in love with one of them and now Mr. Boombastic is home with me and my favorite of the 5 new babies! Lol

So we decided lola will go on the little coop with my juvies (sp00n, Ili, and Turkey) while the other 4 will be getting their own coop in the spring so I can keep Mr. Boombastic and not have 2 roos in the same pen. ^_^

Worked out great for me. I think my mom is about over chickens though!! Haha
We did the photo shoot today! The Serama's are used to it by now and everyone but Alex (who ran around screaming his head off he whole time) posed nice and pretty for me. The new 5 were a bit more unsure as this was their first time but they did pretty good!

The Serama's

The EE's and NN

I love the pictures and the names.....and Mr. Boombastic. LOL!
Been struggling with a cold and fever so I've been MIA for a few days. Mine are game chicks with a few mixes in there. I still love them all!

Glad Hubbies Roo is still in action! Why does your lil hen fall over like that? Was she born that way?

I can't believe how much those chicks have grown but at the same time I see the changes mine are going through already- they grow up too fast!

Hope you all have a great day and I'm hoping to be back up and reading all the posts soon.
We did the photo shoot today! The Serama's are used to it by now and everyone but Alex (who ran around screaming his head off he whole time) posed nice and pretty for me. The new 5 were a bit more unsure as this was their first time but they did pretty good!

The Serama's

The EE's and NN

Awe! Love the photos. They look great. How can you not love that little Necked Neck, Electra!! What an excellent name! I'll have to have you show me how to do the photos like that.
Haha no. It was more a play on Lola from bugs bunny but the fat version of her since lola the chick looks like she has food stuffed in her cheeks ^.^

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