Get a marker and write "BYC" in large letters on the back of your hands. At some point, the others will see it. :)

Yes or a BYC Name Tag. Those pin on plastic holders are everywhere. Just print BYC in large letters and put it in the holder.
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Or forehead. LOL I plan to be at the show, too.

I was going to say that, but then I thought about the next day, or the next, when you still had a faint "BYC" stuck on your forehead that wouldn't wash off... and trying to explain it to co-workers, or random people you see while out running errands, lmao!

Back of the hand is still visible, and isn't as embarrassing several days later, haha!
11 degrees here

And I've got another hatch this morning! That means two babies hatched during the "Atlanta Snowstorm of 2014" haha!
Tomorrow is HATCH DAY!!!! Woo hoo! My husband says we will be overrun with chickies by spring. All I have to say is :p PFFFT! LOL. AND I'm going back to the auction tomorrow. I just discovered that the 3 grown ducks that were gifted to me are drakes. Can't get eggs (or babies) with all boys. So, they will find new homes along with my 2 extra roos and 1 hen who keeps trying to kill me every morning. So hopefully I'll get some decent money out of these birds and I can find some hatching eggs. Because I'm a hatching addict. :D

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