So I couldn't get the hen to lay in her box the way it was set up. I was worried they would all copy her and lay in the wrong places so they got an upgrade today. It was a pain in the neck but it should provide more privacy. Was able to add another box also.

Old setup.

New Setup

Ran out of long 2x4s and wanted it functional. Gotta pick up another one when I get the paint.

Thanks ab! I felt bad but I freaked when I went out and found an ant come out of the one that was pipped.. So I brought them in. :( (didn't see your reply til after that and I wasn't moving them again. LMBO)

BUT, they are doing great. The pipped one is loud & proud and another is rock/rolling.. Two were pipped internally so there seems to be plenty of action.

MAYBE this hatch will remove at least part of my curse!! :/
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So I couldn't get the hen to lay in her box the way it was set up. I was worried they would all copy her and lay in the wrong places so they got an upgrade today. It was a pain in the neck but it should provide more privacy. Was able to add another box also. Old setup. New Setup Ran out of long 2x4s and wanted it functional. Gotta pick up another one when I get the paint.
Great! I hope they will get the hang of it soon. :)
I think I have a confused Polish Chicken.... it is down pouring here and so as I expected, the ducks where out enjoying it but also there was one lone Polish Chicken looking so pathetic in the rain. She was just feet from the covered coop but noooooo, that would have been smart to hide from the rain, wind, lightning. LOL At least she was easy to get into the coop, the ducks on the other hand tried very hard to not go into there own.

So much for yard work this afternoon/evening!
Robo/GAM.. Great news!! I'm bringing you guys a new kitty. He's small in stature, enjoys long talks, and never wanders. His only request is a warm good to sleep/roll on. He does appear to prefer blue vehicles... :/
Polish chickens - especially hens - always seem to miss the obvious. But it's because their crest really does make them blind. My polish hens always trusted me, and learned to listen to my voice and find my feet for safety. The only way they can actually see is DOWN, so when they saw my feet, they knew they were okay, and they often stood on my feet.

So her not seeing something two feet away is normal. It's why polish need special care, and extra-secure pens to keep predators away.

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