Am I the only DH that has no control over the DW?
Pretty much. :D

After talking with my mom and brother, and dealing with my sister and the woman who is loaning me space to keep my birds right now, I have decided to get rid of my chickens, geese, ducks, and even the baby turkeys.

I may get back into them later. But right now, I'm just in a bad position with them. The lady who has them at her house now, did not get her husband's approval first. And he has flipped out on me every single time he sees me, giving me tight deadlines to get them off his property. Some of the younger ones get out, and I told the lady not to worry about it. But she still tries to get them back in, and he flips out because she is "having to take care of them". Even though I told her to leave them alone, that if they die, they die.

Abmaddox said she would keep them at her house once she moved, but she's having trouble getting the seller to respond. Meanwhile, the guy who chastizes me every time he sees me, has now told me I have 30 days.

I have been by every single day to give them food and water. He's not paying anything for them. And he shouldn't be treating me like this when his own wife said they could stay there for a while (I told her maybe 6 months tops). But I'm stuck in the middle of their argument.

I have only four laying right now - two Sumatra hens, one mixed bantam and one frizzle cochin bantam. I also have a broody sumatra raising four chicks of different breeds.

I have maybe 8 easter eggers, but none of laying age. I have a cuckoo maran roo, frizzle roo, and silkie/EE mix roo (normal feathers). I also have a LF splash cochin, should be pullet. And a LF silver laced cochin that is the same age as the splash, but half her size after surviving a bazillion issues.

Also four buff orpingtons from @mrsdszoo which looks like two cockerels and two pullets. Two sizzles - one white, one partridge - and two baby frizzles that are a mix of brown, white, and black. Maybe four leghorn mixes, and one barred rock mix.

Ducks, I have two crested swedish, one black, one blue. No clue on gender yet. I have five white pekins, two female, three male. Then my two Royal Palm poults, and most upsetting.... my trio of sebastopol geese.

Most of the better ones are being sold. The pekins, and some of the chickens (mixed breed mostly) are being given away.

I am keeping the pens because eventually I'd like to get all of this going again. But because of the situation I am in right now, it's best that they find new permanent homes. I'd rather they go before this lady's husband kills them all, or hauls them off to the auction and keeps the cash for himself.

And if abmaddox, debgal, or mrsdszoo want to take them to the auction, that's fine. I have no way to transport them right now, and work too early on Saturdays to attend it myself.

I really hate to be doing this, but this jerk is leaving me no choice.
I can come this weekend for the Pekins ... how much for the poults?
My experiment took a hit last night. 1 of my 2 cornish hens must of had a heart attack. Found her dead in the coop this AM. I did worm them Monday, but that should not have effected her. I did make some coop changes and dust the run and coop with diatomaceous earth which freaked them out allot. O well one more to go. If they don't make it I might have one too many Roosters.
Thank you! I can't wait for the others to start laying and to get the little 7 week old chicks in the large coop that we are working on. I didn't know certain breeds lay at a later age. I thought most breeds started laying between 18 and 22 wYeaeeks.
Yea, some breeds mature a lot later. I once had a Silkie who didn't lay her first egg until she was 48 weeks old! (Almost a year old!) Then after 18 eggs, she went broody. She hatched out some eggs from a neighbor, and died protecting those chicks from a bear.

I even had some EE who didn't start laying until 33 weeks! But, I think Marans, in general are slow maturers. (Is that a word)
What. A. Morning.

Had one more chick on its way out last night, bringing my total to seven brahmas this hatch. I wasn't POSITIVE it'd live to see this morning but it's going strong!
(it had to have a bit of help)..

There were several remaining eggs in the bator last night, however, that turned out to be shrink wrapped (there was no real way around it because of how I kept adding eggs over several days thinking I'd have my new bator by now, no fuss needed, lesson learned- it wasn't intended)..

Well, some that I had set out for dead last night in a carton, I had left on a shelf. Woke up this morning, lo and behold, they're moving.. One has actually held HEAT overnight too.
Ugh.. I know they won't make it but I stuck them back in the bator anyway. I just can't throw something out that's still moving.

Move into the living room, brooder is DARK and QUIET.

Get to the edge and shine my light in.. All six cuties are piled up and staring at me.. Temp was 80 so it must have gone out not long before. Put them on the back porch with the actual heat lamp and I'll go grab an extra bulb for that today.

Jeeeez. This cup of coffee is well deserved this morning!

Wow, that is one heck of a roller coaster morning! I hope the day gets better! The still moving eggs would have really thrown me for a loop!
Yea, some breeds mature a lot later. I once had a Silkie who didn't lay her first egg until she was 48 weeks old! (Almost a year old!) Then after 18 eggs, she went broody. She hatched out some eggs from a neighbor, and died protecting those chicks from a bear.

I even had some EE who didn't start laying until 33 weeks! But, I think Marans, in general are slow maturers. (Is that a word)
None of mine started laying till after 25 wks. With my first flock, we started getting eggs at 20 weeks. And speaking of bears, we saw a teenager bear in the mountains on Monday. It had been a few years since I'd seen one

After talking with my mom and brother, and dealing with my sister and the woman who is loaning me space to keep my birds right now, I have decided to get rid of my chickens, geese, ducks, and even the baby turkeys.

I may get back into them later. But right now, I'm just in a bad position with them. The lady who has them at her house now, did not get her husband's approval first. And he has flipped out on me every single time he sees me, giving me tight deadlines to get them off his property. Some of the younger ones get out, and I told the lady not to worry about it. But she still tries to get them back in, and he flips out because she is "having to take care of them". Even though I told her to leave them alone, that if they die, they die.

Abmaddox said she would keep them at her house once she moved, but she's having trouble getting the seller to respond. Meanwhile, the guy who chastizes me every time he sees me, has now told me I have 30 days.

I have been by every single day to give them food and water. He's not paying anything for them. And he shouldn't be treating me like this when his own wife said they could stay there for a while (I told her maybe 6 months tops). But I'm stuck in the middle of their argument.

I have only four laying right now - two Sumatra hens, one mixed bantam and one frizzle cochin bantam. I also have a broody sumatra raising four chicks of different breeds.

I have maybe 8 easter eggers, but none of laying age. I have a cuckoo maran roo, frizzle roo, and silkie/EE mix roo (normal feathers). I also have a LF splash cochin, should be pullet. And a LF silver laced cochin that is the same age as the splash, but half her size after surviving a bazillion issues.

Also four buff orpingtons from @mrsdszoo which looks like two cockerels and two pullets. Two sizzles - one white, one partridge - and two baby frizzles that are a mix of brown, white, and black. Maybe four leghorn mixes, and one barred rock mix.

Ducks, I have two crested swedish, one black, one blue. No clue on gender yet. I have five white pekins, two female, three male. Then my two Royal Palm poults, and most upsetting.... my trio of sebastopol geese.

Most of the better ones are being sold. The pekins, and some of the chickens (mixed breed mostly) are being given away.

I am keeping the pens because eventually I'd like to get all of this going again. But because of the situation I am in right now, it's best that they find new permanent homes. I'd rather they go before this lady's husband kills them all, or hauls them off to the auction and keeps the cash for himself.

And if abmaddox, debgal, or mrsdszoo want to take them to the auction, that's fine. I have no way to transport them right now, and work too early on Saturdays to attend it myself.

I really hate to be doing this, but this jerk is leaving me no choice.
Wish I could take the buffs and ducks, but I've been told no more animals
Darn it UPS, they screwed up on shipping the shed I need to get here ASAP and was due in today. It says it will be at least one day delayed. If it isn't delivered tomorrow you know they will not deliver on Friday with the holiday, or Saturday or Sunday and my husband leaves for military training on Monday.

I can't put that sucker together myself and turn it into the chicken coop I need it to be! :( Husband is going to be gone for more than a little while too. Chickens need a bigger coop now!

-bang head on wall-
QUESTION: How long after you get new hens should they start laying again?
I'm absolutely not an expert, but I will share what happened when a friend gave us 5 mature hens not long ago. Two of them kept right on laying - never missed a beat. The other 3 took about 5 days to settle down and get back into their groove. Now we get 4 eggs most days, with 5 on occasion. Four more pullets now 3 1/2 months old are coming along as well. Can't wait for our "new" eggs.

HOOAH!! Army wife here too.

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